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A scream filled the corridor, followed by a loud thud, catching the attention of students in the hallways.

She dusted her hands off - her signature move - sighing loudly. "You bastards never learn, do you?"

"Aish, why won't you leave us alone?!"

She sighed again, crouching down and staring into the boy's eyes with her own bored ones. "I gave you many chances to redeem yourself, but I guess dirty trash bags like you will never repent."

Getting back up, she folded her arms across her chest, looking down at the two beaten up bullies on the cold tiling. "Don't make me need to do this again, hm?"

They said nothing at first, but after a while of the numerous whispers from the students and the intense stare from Y/n, they finally nodded.

With that, Y/n turned on her heels, walking off sassily like she always does.

The whispers soon turned back into the normal, loud chattering as the students carried on with their business.

Seungmin sighed. "There she goes again."

"She kinda hot though."

"Aish" Chan smacked Jisung's head, making him 'ow' and pout, making Chan cringe in response.

"Well, she keeps bullies in their rightful place. I like that about her" Minho smiled softly.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, his arm over Seungmin's shoulder. "We get you like her, you don't have to announce it every time she shows up."

Minho looked down, pulling his long sleeves over his hands and playing with them. That's his habit. Well, Minho's at least. Lino is a completely different character.

"Wait..." Chan muttered.

The rest of the boys turned to look at him, to see he was staring at none other than Minho.

Proving that their assumptions were correct, Chan stepped forward, pulling down the neck of Minho's turtle neck jumper a little, cringing after.

"What happened? Were you bullied again?" he looked up at Minho worriedly.

"No..?" he answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Did you even look at yourself in the mirror today?"

"You know I never do..."

Chan sighed softly, seeing Minho sound so upset. "Don't hide it from us, please. You know we help."

"I'm serious though" he muttered before pulling away from Chan and walking off without glancing at the rest.

Chan sighed, staring at Minho's figure as he walked away.

"It must have been Lino then..."

"What was it?" Jisung asked, side glancing at Chan.

"It looked like he's been strangled..."


Chan sighed. "We'll ask Lino about it when he changes. Actually, if he changes today, ask him" he told Seungmin and Hyunjin. "Let's go."


Minho sighed sadly as he shoved his hands in his jacket's pockets. He wasn't looking where he was going, so of course to his luck he just had to bump into someone.

"Yah, watch where you're going" the person grabbed onto Minho's wrist harshly, making him wince in pain. Before he could react he was shoved onto the lockers.

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