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It was a Saturday and Jisung had returned home after a very long day. He looked up from staring at the ground, reaching into his pocket for his keys. He froze though when he saw Minho sitting on his front porch, petting a small kitten in his arms.


The said boy looked up with tired eyes, widening them once he saw the blood on Jisung's leg. He stood up, looking at his leg and then up at his face. "What happened?!"

"I tripped" he said with a sigh, limping past Minho to unlock the front door. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I had an argument with Seungmin" he pouted sadly. "I was waiting for you all day, where were you?" he whined.

Jisung sighed and pulled him inside. "I was busy." He walked off and Minho followed him. "But what were you busy with?"

Minho owed when Jisung closed the door in his face, causing him to bump his nose on the door. He muttered annoyingly under his breath and reached out to open the door, but he stopped when he heard Jisung talk.

"I'm getting changed, don't come in."

He sighed and looked down at Soonie to see he was asleep. He ended up staring off into space, deep in his thoughts, waiting for Jisung to finish.

"I'm done" Jisung called out and Minho immediately opened the door. Jisung had changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and he was holding a cloth on his knee, well, slightly above his knee.

Minho walked over and put Soonie down on the other side of the bed before settling down next to Jisung.

"...You didn't just trip, did you?" he spoke out quietly after a minute of silence.

Jisung just sighed, he was extremely exhausted and wanted nothing else but to rest.

"Jisungg" he whined.

"I did just trip. I'm just tired right now... but you have a cat- no, kitten now?"

Minho sighed. "I found him injured on the street, so I took him to the vet and turns out he was abandoned, so I took him in" he rapped faster than Changbin ever could. "...But that's not the point, don't try to change the subject."

Jisung sighed and removed the cloth, then grabbed a bandage to wrap around his leg but Minho stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "You need to at least wipe away all the blood first" he said worriedly.

"It's fine" he pulled his wrist free and bandaged it up.

Minho stared at him the whole time and his eyes landed on Jisung's right hand that was on the other side from where Minho was sitting. Jisung was clenching his fist on the bedsheets. His face looked tired yet calm, but now Minho could tell he was indeed in pain.

Then he realised. Why is he struggling to bandage up his leg with only one hand?

"Is your hand injured?" he asked.

"No" Jisung answered confused.

"Then are you hiding something?"

"What?" he looked up at Minho, who was staring at Jisung's closed hand. Minho leaned over, Jisung panicking and pulling his hand back so Minho couldn't reach it.

He looked up at Jisung who's eyes were slightly widened. He furrowed his brows, staring deep into Jisung's eyes. "...You are hiding something."

He pulled Jisung's arm closer, now being able to reach his hand.


He got hold of his hand, but his hand was in a fist. Minho could make out the smallest amount of blood on his hand.

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