30 - FINAL

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Hyunjin pressed the timer on the camera before running up to the mini crowd and swinging his arm around Chan's shoulder, who was death glaring at him.

"Look at the camera shawty, it's your graduation photo here."

"Sounds pretty gay to me," Jeongin commented, earning a firm smack on the butt from Minho, making him yelp.

Chan sighed and managed to look at the camera just as the photo was taken.

Everyone went to look at the printed photo, and Chan started protesting to take another one when he saw that his eyes were half shut, but the others disagreed and collectively decided to let him suffer alone.

"It's okay, at least you can look back at your beautiful face when you're fifty," Minho stated with a small smirk.


Chan was cut off by Y/n dragging her boyfriend away into an empty classroom.

"Ow- why the heck are you dragging me-"

She pulled out a wrapped piece of chocolate from her pocket with a smirk.


The two flinched from the loud screech and momentarily after Jeongin had ran over, snatching the chocolate from Y/n's hands. The girl just rolled her eyes before pulling out another bar.

"Damn, doesn't Chan realise they go missing?" Minho snorted as he watched Jeongin chomp the chocolate down.

"I hope he doesn't, they're fucking amazing," Jeongin spoke while munching. He swallowed the last of the chocolate before pulling out a photo from his pocket.

"I'm printing like a hundred of these and putting them up around Chan's house, it'll be hilarious." Jeongin handed the photo to Minho. "Take one."

Minho just stared at the photo with a small smile, but both Y/n and Jeongin could sense the sadness in his eyes.

"What is it?" Y/n asked softly.

"I just wish Jisung could be here too..."

Silence filled the room, a sad atmosphere surrounding the three currently standing in the middle of the classroom.

Y/n reached out to squeeze Minho's hand, who looked up and smiled softly at her. A few moments later, Jeongin faked throwing up, covering his mouth as if he was actually doing so.

"Ew, love," he cringed dramatically before walking out of the classroom, closing the door with a hidden smirk that the two in the room couldn't see.

Minho let out a small laugh before leaning both his hands against a desk in front of him, looking up to make eye contact with his girlfriend with a soft smile plastered on his lips.

Y/n couldn't help but smile back, staring into the boy's hazel, glossy, warm eyes. Minho stared back with the same intensity and this went on for at least a minute before Minho made his way around the desk and he swiftly lifted Y/n from the floor to place her onto a desk. One second later, the two's lips had been connected.

Y/n's eyes shuttered closed and she brought up her hands to Minho's shoulders for support as he titled his head to the side to deepen the kiss.

She slowly moved one of her hands from his shoulder to the back of his neck, where she slowly and gently rubbed the side of his neck with her thumb.

Ever since Minho had explained his past to her, she made sure to be extra careful with any boundaries he might subconsciously have. She quickly realised that gently rubbing his neck comforted him, so she made sure to do it whenever she got the chance.

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