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At night, even though Y/n was exhausted, she couldn't fall asleep at all. Her thoughts were racing over various things - about Peniel, worrying about Jisung and even more Minho, and the fact they she and him haven't talked properly after their kiss was killing her.

Deciding to give up on sleep after hours of laying down like a dead corpse, she quietly got up, shoving a thick jacket and shoes on before leaving the dorms.

She walked around aimlessly, frowning when she saw a dark figure laying down on the grass in the middle of a field. She looked closer, but couldn't make out who it was because it was so dark. Therefore, she walked over to realise that it was the one and only Lino laying there whilst staring at the stars.

She lay down next to him with a soft sigh, staring up into the sky with a soft smile on her lips. "You can't sleep either?" she asked him.

He hummed tiredly in response, allowing a comfortable silence to engulf them. They felt cold from the harsh winter breeze, even though they were both wearing thick padded jackets. It felt nice to be outside though, to get some fresh air. It helped them feel like they could breathe with more ease.

"...Are we going to talk about that day?" Y/n eventually spoke up after minutes of comfortable silence. She was scared to bring it up, and to ruin the peace the two had established, but it was eating her up inside and she felt like the question had to be asked, even if the boy decided to ignore her because of it.

"...Isn't it obvious?"

He turned his head to the side, and so did Y/n once she felt his gaze on her. The two made eye contact, both searching into each other's eyes to try and understand how the other was feeling.

"What is?" she asked quietly, secretly admiring his beautiful and mesmerising looks.

"That I like you" he blurted out.

Y/n was shocked at this. Lino wasn't one to openly express his feelings, yet here he was, revealing the secret that was eating him whole all this time.

He looked away, staring back up into the sky again. Y/n's gaze stayed focused on Lino's face, too captivated in his facial features to be able to pull herself away.

He let out a sigh before speaking up, "Minho hates me, and so he hates that I like you." He smiled to himself, though it seemed like he was mocking Minho with it. "That just means he likes you too. Yet he doesn't do anything about it."

He turned his head to the side again, Y/n widening her eyes at the close proximity of their faces. She could practically feel Lino's breath on her lips.

A smile broke out on his lips, but Y/n didn't have the time to question why as barely a second later he had pressed his lips onto her own.

It was extremely short, ending as quickly as it had started. A soft kissing sound filled the air as their lips parted, making Lino's smile widen even further.

"I'm not pulling myself back, just so you know" he whispered, even though no one was even around to hear their conversation. "I'm not like Minho."

He brought up his left arm to rest under his head as he wrapped his right arm loosely around Y/n's waist. Y/n, her brain not functioning enough to be able to process what to say, gave in into his touch, scooting impossibly closer to the boy before snuggling up to his chest and letting out a content sigh.

"I'm cold, that's why I'm doing this" she muttered softly, making Lino break out into a wide smile.

With that, the two fell asleep in each other's embrace, not caring at all that they were out in the open, freezing air. If that was what harsh conditions they had to experience to be able to fall asleep, then so be it. And they couldn't deny that they both loved the cuddling session anyhow.

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