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When the boy opened his eyes, all he could see was white. A white ceiling, white walls, white equipment and white bedding that he was currently tucked under.

A headache crept up to him and a soft groan escaped his lips as he rubbed his forehead to try and soothe the pain.


The boy's head snapped to the side in an instant, making his vision a bit blurry and fazed from the quick movement but he didn't care about that as he made eye contact with his loved one.

Y/n saw the happiness engulfing the boy from seeing her and couldn't help but practically throw herself on the boy. Minho was shocked from the sudden weight thrown on him especially since he had just woken up, but he quickly hugged his girlfriend back feeling happier than ever.

"How are you feeling?" the girl whispered quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful silence the two had established.

"My head's a little fuzzy, but it's manageable."

Another silence permeated the room for only a few seconds before the boy spoke up again, "But why am I here?"

Y/n pulled back from the hug with a soft sigh, her arms still wrapped around the boy's neck loosely. "You fainted because of stress. Lino must have been more worried about failing than you," she lied with a chuckle, discreetly observing Minho's reaction from the mention of his other personality.

"Makes sense. Whenever he takes exams he straight up fails," Minho sighed dramatically, making Y/n smile, glad that he didn't react particularly negatively to the comment.

"Well it's not like you get good grades either."

"Hey!" Minho pouted, acting heartbroken at her comment even though he blatantly knew that it was true.

Y/n chuckled at his comment before leaving a quick, soft peck on the boy's lips, making him automatically beam with joy.

"Do you wanna eat? You must be hungry."

The boy nodded eagerly in response, immediately standing up with Y/n's help as he felt a little dizzy from the headache.

Minho got discharged and they made their way to a noodles place nearby. As the two waited for their order to arrive at their table, Y/n couldn't stop but ask a question that had she had been dying to know the answer to.

"Do you hate Lino?"

Minho's expression halted, and his eyes automatically averted to the table, noticing the fine details of the handcrafted wood. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought of how to answer.

"Honestly... I don't know anymore."

Y/n wasn't expecting that. But she kept her composure for the sake of making progress with her mission of making the two personalities agree with one another and asked, "What do you mean?"

Minho let out a soft sigh, pulling his sleeves over his hands and fidgeting with it. "Since you told me that Lino just wants to live like me, I've started to think about him more, in a good way..."

He stopped talking for a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing, "Well, it's good and bad. I still hate him, but I've started to appreciate how he saves me from harm sometimes. But he also puts me into bad situations, so obviously I don't like that."

"So it isn't all that bad?" the girl asked.

Minho thought for a moment before responding with a small nod. One that made Y/n form a soft smile on her lips. It didn't leave her face even when the food arrived on their table. After a few minutes of eating, Minho finally asked with a chuckle, "Are you that happy that I don't fully hate Lino anymore?"

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