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Y/n was walking home, thoughts overwhelming her. She was going on a family trip this weekend - and so the reason she can't hang out with her new friends.

It's not like she hated her family... she loves them more than anything. But just thinking about the word 'family' brings back flashbacks of her one and only sister's death. Which is why she's feeling like this.

She finally reached home, ready to flop face down on her bed and lay there for the rest of the day. But as she opened the front door, she felt a hand place itself on her shoulder.

She spun around in an instant, about to freak out but then she realised who it was. A sweaty, out of breath, Lino.

"W-what are you doing here?.. are you okay?"

Lino shook his head, pushing her in the house by her shoulder. The door closed itself but panic rose in Y/n when she realised that the only key to the house was in the other side of the door knob.

"Oh my god the key-"

She went silent as Lino dug his face into her neck, letting out a quiet groan. One that made Y/n realise that he was in pain.

"...What's going on?"

Lino's brows furrowed, the headache was only getting worse and worse and he knew that soon he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

"I need to check something."

Y/n kept silent as he leaned back, staring deep into her eyes while panting softly against her lips. His hands slowly came up to her face, holding onto her cheeks softly.

"Can I kiss you?"

Y/n blinked a few times to make sure she heard it right. Yet what he wanted was still evident and clear. I mean, she wasn't about to say no but why is he acting like this?

Still, she nodded slowly, not knowing why he was so out of breath and why he wanted to kiss her so bad, but she decided it would be best to question that when he's feeling better.

Lino didn't waste any time and immediately smashed his lips onto hers, feeling a rush of pain in his head. Y/n lifted her arm to his shoulder out of surprise, her eyes widened and staring at the boy in front of her. She knew what was coming but was still quite shocked at the urgency of the boy's lips on hers.

He pulled back for a second, trying to deal with the pain that only seemed to get worse as time passed by. As he did so, Y/n reached up to caress his hair, making him look into her eyes with half lidded, tired eyes, his lips still hovering over hers.

They stared at each other for a moment before Y/n pulled his face towards herself, connecting their lips together once again.

Y/n took the lead in the kiss as Lino tried his best to savour the moment. It felt unearthly yet it was bringing him too much pain to cope with.

And it came to a point where he couldn't take it anymore.

"Y/n, stop.." He pulled back, placing his hands on either side of the wall and putting his head down with a staggered breath.

His heavy breaths filled the hallway, his pained expression raising even more worry in Y/n.

"What's going on? Explain.. please."

He let out a sigh, looking up at her worried expression with his own pained one. "It's you..."

She just became even more confused. "Huh?"

Instead of speaking again, he dug his face back into her shoulder, letting out a sob from the unbearable pain.


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