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"Guys, I found him. Invade the place."

San loaded his gun, smirking. "Let's beat some ass."

The boys ran into the base, shooting everywhere. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Chan were at the back and ran off in a different direction.

"Down that corridor... now to the left..." Mingi directed the three through the maze like place, whilst they were busy taking down everyone that they came across. Chan nearly got shot, but Seonghwa had managed to knock the gun out of the thug's hands before the damage could be done.

Seonghwa patted Chan's shoulder, the hallway being filled with their heavy pants as they were exhausted from running and fighting. "This happens a lot when you first start off, don't worry," Seonghwa grinned sheepishly, making Chan roll his eyes and swat his hand away.

"Guys, quiet. Mingi, which way to next?"

Mingi was silent.


"Wait... the signal's suddenly messed up."


"Fuck... it's lost."

Hongjoong frowned and grabbed onto his hair in frustration. "What do you mean it's lost? Where have you been leading us all this time?"

"In the general direction, it usually takes time to get clearer, but it's just gotten muddled up."

Hongjoong let out a soft sigh. Seonghwa on the other hand, was deep in thought. "What about the cctv? Can you see him?"

"He went on the second floor, but I'm not sure where. The cameras on that floor is all shut off."

"Fuck, why didn't he tell us where he is?"

"What about the monitoring room? They must have one, right?" Chan spoke up, hopefully.

Hongjoong snapped his fingers together, his eyes lighting up. "You're a genius. Mingi, any ideas where it is?"

After a few moments of silence the boy answered, "The right corner of the first floor. Take the next two rights and a left and you'll be there."

"Got it."

The three of them made their way over to the monitoring room, and had to knock out quite a few guys once they had arrived.

As Seonghwa was about to knock out the last guy, Hongjoong stopped him. Seonghwa gave him a look that said 'what?' whilst Hongjoong just gestured him to move aside. Once he did so, Hongjoong stepped forward and grabbed onto the guy's hair, making him groan.

"Where's Jisung?" Chan almost shivered at the tone of his voice, combined with the dark glare in his eyes.

When the guy didn't say anything, Hongjoong smacked the guy's head on a table, getting on top of him to grab onto his collar. "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!"

The guy let out a few coughs, smirking up at Hongjoong. "Probably dead by now."

Hongjoong's expression darkened and he brought up a fist to punch the living daylights out of him, but Seonghwa quickly pulled him aside.

Seonghwa pulled out his gun, placing the tip on the guy's head. "You have ten seconds. Tell us where he is. 10."

"I ain't spilling, plus I doubt you'll actually kill me."

"Wanna bet? 9...8...7..."

When the guy raised a cocky eyebrow at him, Seonghwa stopped counting, raised his gun to the ceiling and shot it, making the guy in his hold flinch out of alarm.

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