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Awkward silence filled the atmosphere, well, except for all the people rushing around and everything, not that it counted to them.

Ever since they got back, Minho and Y/n have not dared to open their mouths. You can guess why.

Y/n looked at Minho for the hundredth time, who was looking down at his hands that were hidden by the sleeves of his oversized black zip up hoodie.

She had enough of the silence. If it were silent for another minute, she would go insane and start screaming like she does at 3am because the toilet paper ran out after she took a dump.

"Minho... say something please."

Minho still kept quiet, and started fidgeting with his fingers.

Y/n sighed softly before speaking again, "Did I make a mistake? I shouldn't have wanted to kiss you like that, I'm sorry, I really am. I thought you didn't mind as you didn't do anything, but you were probably just shocked. And also I-" she stop rambling with another sigh, looking down and wanting to slap herself in the face.

"I'm sorry..." she repeated softly, in a genuinely sad voice. One that made Minho feel bad for not speaking up before.

"You didn't make a mistake... I just need some time. I can't think properly at all..." he spoke in a quiet voice.

Y/n sighed. "Yeah, you've been through a lot... you need rest."

Her phone ringed so she pulled it out only to sigh sadly a few moments after. She stood up, making Minho look up at her with confused eyes.

"I really have to go somewhere, I'm sorry. I'm sure the others will come in a bit, so try to get some rest, yeah?

Minho nodded to let her know she understood and Y/n ruffled his hair with a soft smile on her lips. Once again, one that effect seemed to radiate off onto Minho as his mood seemed to lift a little.

She walked out, leaving Minho alone. But not for long, as soon Changbin was running in the room.

"M-Minho, Han's awake."

In the speed of light, Minho jumped off the bed and ran right past Changbin to Han's room. He opened the door with a slam, catching everyone's attention. Including Han, who just froze with a panicked look.

Minho so badly wanted to just run up to him and engulf him in the biggest hug ever, but his body refused to take a single step.

But he had enough of his body controlling him. His body always controlled him, when he didn't understand why he was acting like that in the first place. It's because of Lino. Lino knows things that Minho doesn't, so the trauma always kicks in though he doesn't understand it.

Pushing all that aside, he forced his body to run forward, and he ran straight towards Jisung, doing as he wanted and engulfing him in the biggest, warmest hug ever. The others in the room shared one glance and then left the room, leaving Minho and Jisung alone.

To say Jisung was shocked is an understatement. He was flabbergasted, confused even. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and he stopped breathing for a moment.

"Thank you..." Minho muttered, through shaky breaths. He doesn't know if he was shaky because of the running, or because of him going against his body's will, but he didn't care and just wanted Han to feel better. He saved him, after all.

"And I'm sorry for reacting like that..." he sighed shakily then spoke in a quiet voice, "I don't know why my body's like this.."

Moments passed and when Han didn't say anything, Minho slowly leaned back to look at him with a worried look, seeing Jisung's teary eyes staring back into his own.

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