Chapter 29

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Carlisle smiles at me, making me smile back at him. "Well, let's not worry about that now, shall we? When the time comes, you and I will discuss it and go from there. I don't like seeing you distressed." Carlisle replies. I giggle and blush before nodding as he kisses my head. "Now taht we have a house ot ourselves, what did you want to do?" Carlisle asks me, making me laugh at the change of topics. I look at Carlisle and smile. "Well, I would like to actually eat the food Rosalie oh-so kindly made for me and let her know how it tasted." I tell him. Carlisle chuckles and nods as he kisses my head again before walking over to the draw next to the dishrack. I sit back down in the chair before looking at the fork on the floor. I pick it up, looking at the way I bent the fork.

I look at Carlisle as he walks back over to me, sitting down and handing me a fork. "Here you go. Hopefully you don't bend this one." Carlisle says, jokingly of course. I giggle and blush as I take it from him, putting the other fork down. "Thanks Carlisle." I say as I cut the steak into slices, making sure there is no meat left on the bone before putting the knife down. "Is there anything else you wanted to do?" He asks me. I think about as I take a bite of the steak, humming at the taste when I chew it. What do I want to do with Carlisle? Let me think. I swallow the piece of steak before tilting my head as I think more. We could watch movies. The old movies back when Carlisle was human. Or we could just cuddle and he could read a book to me. Maybe he would want to do that. Or maybe we could- NO! I blush as I swallow the piece before grabbing another piece of steak. "Melissa? Are you okay? You're not getting sick, are you?" Carlisle asks me, making me look at him. "No, I'm okay, dear. And it's also rare for shifters to get sick. So technically if I were to get sick, I would have collapsed by now." I tell him. Carlisle chuckles and smiles at me, making my heart flutter. "Well, I'm sure I would be here to take care of you then, love." Carlisle replies, making me giggle and smile at him as I go back to eating my food.

When I finish, I grab the napkin and wipe my mouth while watching Carlisle grab my dishes and walk to the sink. I blush and put my napkin on the table, watching Carlisle do the dishes. "You didn't have to do that, love. I could've done that." I say as I get up, grabbing the napkin beore walking to him at the sink. "I know but we don't cook as much as we used to when Bella was here and when Dani was here after Bella went to Jacob. So, I figured I could get back into cleaning my beautiful girlfriend's dishes that she used since you're going to be here more often." Carlisle says to me, making me blush more. I throw the napkin out and move behind Carlisle, wrapping my arms around his torso. I hear him chuckle as I lay my head on his shoulder, sighing in content. "Do you want to cuddle on the couch or in our room and just read ot me, love?" I ask him as I move my head and look at him over his shoulder. Carlisle looks at me over his shoulder before smiling. "Sure, darling. Go and pick out which book you want me to read. I'll be done in a few minutes." Carlisle says while smiling. I smile back as I lean up and kiss his shoulder blade before walking out of the kitchen and to the living room. I walk to the bookshelf by the piano before looking at all the amazing books. I grab a book labeled "Cross Justice" by James Patterson. I pull it close to my chest before grabbing another one labeled "The Girl on the Train". I raise an eyebrow as I read the back of the book, keeping the first book choice in my arm. Huh. How does Carlisle have a book like this in his bookshelf? Do the others use the bookshelf too? Or does he allow them to put their books there?

I squeak and drop the book when I feel Carlisle's arms wrap around my waist. I look over my shoulder and blush when I see Carlisle looking at me over my shoulder. "Whatcha got there?" He asks me. I blush and look at the book in my arm. "Cross Justice by James Patterson. I hear he's a good author. I have some of his books back home." I tell him. He chuckles and smiles at me. "I see you also like James Patterson. He is an interesting author." He replies before taking the book out of my arm. "Do you want me to read this to you tonight?" Carlisle asks me. I slowly nod and blush more, making him chuckle. "Very well. Come on. Let's head to our room and get comfortable." Carlisle says as he unwraps himself before I bend down to grab the book that fell. I put it back on the shelf before following Carlisle up the stairs. I walk up the stairs with him beore following him into the bedroom. I have to look at a calendar and see when I go into heat. Since I am a shifter, I tend to do what werewolves and other shifters go through which is called heat. Or mating season because most shifters have mates and they can have sex when they please. I on the other hand, am dating a vampire who is a clan leader who also might or might not turn me before I am supposed to turn. So I definitely need to find out when it is.

I walk to our dresser and slide my clothes off, blushing when I hear Carlisle growl seductively. I grab one of his shirts and put them on before taking my bra of under his shirt. I pick my clothes up and walk to the hamper, putting my clothes in the hamper. I walk over to the bed and watch Carlisle walk to the closet. I blush and bite my lip when he takes his jacket and shirt off, hearing him chuckle. I know he can hear my heartbeat. I can feel my heart pounding away in my chest. I regretfully look away -not like I wanted to or else I would've jumped his bones right then and there- before grabbing the book he put on the bed. I sit back in my spot and open the book, looking at the first page where it has the index. I tilt my head as I read every chapter in the book before feeling the bed dip next to me. I look at Carlisle and watch him get under the covers, smiling at me. I blush and smile back before moving closer to him when he puts his arm up.

HEY EVERYONE!!! SUPER SORRY THIS IS LATE!!! With COVID-19 going around and me being super busy at work, I have not had any time to get this chapter done. Believe me I wanted this done like a month or two ago but have never had a single chance to do so. So, without FUTHER A DO, here is the new chapter! I might end the book soon and make a sequel for this book. I do want to make at least 50 chapters or more in this book with drama, conflicts, romance, and all that lovey dovey shit, but I don't think I'll have time to do so everyday But! Here is this chapter! Hope you enjoy! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE, AND SHARE MY BOOK!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!! SEE YOU ALL IN THE NEXT ONE!!!!

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