Chapter 13

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I turn around and put my heels on slowly, leaning on Emily for support when I have one of them on. I put the watch on along with the earrings. I look at her and she smiles. "You look great. Ask Sam if he can drive you to work." She tells me. "I will but I have to go back to my house. I need my phone and a file for work." I say. She nods as we walk out what I now know as Sam and Emily's room.

Little did I know that Carlisle was already at work, calling my phone, and Edward was at my place, waiting for me to return.

We walk to the kitchen and I look at Sam. "Sam, can you do me a favor?" I ask him as I walk up to him. Damn, even with the heels I'm still short. I only come up to his chin with them on. Without them, I come up to his collarbone. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "And that is? Last time I did you a favor, I had to run around first beach naked." Sam replies, making me giggle. "It's nothing like that. I need you to drive me to my house so I can get my phone and a file. Then I need you to take me to work." I tell him. "Are you sure I'm allowed over the treaty line?" Sam asks me. "My great grandfather made a pact with the vampires 200 years ago. I'm a shapeshifter so it goes for me as well. I can bring you over as long as you don't go over by yourself and break the pact you guys have with the vampires." I explain to him.

He nods as he grabs his keys from the counter behind him. "Okay, let's go." Sam says as he walks out. I follow him as I wave to the pack. We walk out and walk to his car. He unlocks his car and we get in. He puts his key in and turns his car on. He puts the car in drive and pulls away from his house. "So, where is your phone and the file you need for work?" Sam asks me as he looks at me quickly. "My phone should be in my room charged and the file is in the kitchen. Uh, make a left here." I tell him. He nods and turns. "Okay, is anyone there or just you?" He replies. "No one else should be there. If there is, it'll most likely be Edward. Make a right here." I say, pointing to my right.

He nods as he turns. "Just a little further then you'll see a maroon house." I tell him. He nods as he continues to drive. "So why would Edward be there?" He asks me. "Probably for Carlisle." I tell him as I look out the front window. I sigh when I see Edward in front of my house. "Just stay here. I'll get my stuff then you can drive me to work. It's the same way we came." I tell him. He nods as he parks his car. I get out and close the door. "Where have you been?" Edward asks me as I walk up to my house. "I've been across the treaty line. I have a pact with both you and the pack at La Push." I tell him as I walk in. He follows me as I walk to my kitchen. "Have you seen your phone? Carlisle has been calling you nonstop." Edward replies. "I don't have my phone. How am I supposed to know?" I say as I grab the file.

I walk out the kitchen and to my room, hearing my phone ringing. "He's calling you worried sick. And yet you're just hanging out on our enemy side." Edward tells me. "Edward, calm down. My great grandfather made an alliance with them. Then my great grandfather made an alliance with Carlisle before he died 200 years ago. So don't tell me which side is the enemy because I can clearly break the alliance my great grandfather made." I snap as I walk in my room. I walk to my bed and grab my phone off the end table. I take it off the charger and look at me phone. 30 missed calls from Carlisle. I sigh and watch him call again. I answer it and put it on speaker. "Hello?" I say, putting a hand on my forehead. "Melissa, where are you? I've been calling for the past half hour. You're going to be late for work." I hear Carlisle say. "I'm on my way. I was at Sam's house. He knows how to calm me down. I didn't even know it was almost time for work." I tell him. I hear him sigh into the phone. "Okay. And can we talk when you get here please?" He replies. "Of course. I'll see you when I get there." I say as I walk out my room, ignoring Edward's stare. "Okay. See you soon." He replies, hanging up.

I walk out my house and close the door. "So now what?" I hear Edward ask me. "Well, I'm heading to work. I'll talk to him when I get there. Just go back home." I tell him, walking up to Sam's car. I open the passenger door and get in. I close it and look at Sam. He nods as he puts his car in drive, pulling away from my house. "Okay. So the hospital right?" He asks me. "Yeah. Then you go home. I don't want you going back to my house to talk to Edward." I tell him. He'll most likely go back to snap at Edward.

Little did I know that Carlisle was pacing back in forth in our office, waiting for me to talk to him.

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