Chapter 27

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I close the door behind us and we walk to the living room. "So, is everything okay between you two?" Jasper asks us, making Alice hit him in his arm. "Jasper, don't ask questions like that. You know better." Alice tells him. I giggle and smile at her. "Alice, it's okay. Really it is. Rosalie and I made up after she told me why she was rude to me." I say to all of them. I walk over to Carlisle and he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Everything is okay, love. Rosalie and I made up." I tell him. "I'm glad you two did. I never knew why she was mad at you. But if you two made up then I'm happy as well." He replies. I giggle and smile when he kisses forehead.

Little did I know that there was more to come within the months that I stay being his girl.

Carlisle and I walk to the couch and sit down. Carlisle pulls me into his side as he grabs a book from the end table. I giggle and cuddle into his side as Edward goes back to playing the piano with Renesmee listening to him. I lay my head on his shoulder as he starts to read. "You have any other books, dear?" I ask him. He looks at me and nods. "At the bookshelf over there near the piano." He replies as he points to it. I nod and kiss his cheek before getting up. I walk to his bookshelf and look at the books on the shelf. I grab a book I've read before and open it. I read the first page of the book and use my scent to walk around the piano to walk back to Carlisle. I lean against him as I continue to read. "Melissa, are you hungry?" I look up as I watch Alice tilt her head while looking at me. I giggle and smile before nodding. "I could go for a nice medium rare T-Bone steak with French fries or mashed potatoes." I tell her.

Rosalie gets up, making everyone look at her. "I can make it for you." She says. "Rose, it's fine. Really I can make it myself." I tell her. She shakes her head and looks at me. "I want to make it. As an apology for the way I've been treating you." She replies. I smile as I get up from the couch. "Rose, you really don't have to do it. Seriously, I know you hated me because of what my twin brother did, but that doesn't mean that you have to go out of your way to make me lunch." I tell her. She shakes her head and smiles at me before walking to the kitchen. "Wait, I thought you said Marcus was dead from the car accident years ago?" Carlisle asks me. I look at him and shake my head. "I thought so too, dear. But it turns out that when you guys were fighting against the Volturi, Rosalie mentioned that she saw Marcus. He's a hybrid and he was the one that killed Esme. I didn't know it was him until she said that the guy who killed Esme looked exactly like me." I explain to him. It hurts knowing that my twin brother is a murderer. That he is a hybrid. Would I become a hybrid if I choose to marry Carlisle?

Carlisle nods as his phone goes off. He gets his phone out and looks at it. "That's the hospital. I'm needed in to do surgery on one of our patients." He says before he looks up at me. "I'll be here, Carlisle. You head to work and get that surgery taken care of. I'll be in our room waiting for your return when I finish eating." I say. He nods and gets up, kissing my forehead. "I won't take long." He tells me before he walks out the living room. I watch him walk out before walking to the kitchen. I look at Rosalie and watch her making my lunch. "You seriously don't have to make my lunch, Rose. I could have made it myself." I say. "You could but I wanted to. I haven't made food like this since Edward was with Bella and introduced her to us." Rose replies. I chuckle and nod as I look at Alice who is getting the plate for her. "Alice you really don't have to do that. I could've gotten her the plate." I say. Alice giggles and shakes her head as she smiles at me. "You aren't going to lift a finger here. We all have free time to do anything and everything so you can relax, take a nap, take a bath, do whatever you want." She replies. I shake my head and smile at her before walking over to the table. I sit down as I watch Alice and Rosalie at the stove, talking to one another. I can't believe I manage to get a mate like Carlisle and a family. They won't be like home but it's better than nothing. I won't forget Mom, Dad, and the memories with Marcus. I definitely won't forget the pack at La Push but I feel like I'll be closer with everyone here than I would be with the pack at La Push. "Melissa, did you hear me?" I hear Alice say, making me look at her.

I furrow my eyebrows, making her giggle and smile at me as Rosalie puts the plate down in front of me with a cup of juice along with a fork and knife. "No, sorry. What happened?" I ask her. I hear Edward chuckle, making me look at the kitchen door frame. Edward walks into the kitchen while holding his daughter's hand, making me raise an eyebrow. "She was thinking about her new life and how much she's enjoying it, Alice. So you might need to repeat what you were trying to ask her when she was zoned out." Edward tells Alice before walking to the fridge with his daughter. Alice giggles and smiles at me, making me blush in embarassment.

Hey everyone! Thanks for waiting and asking for more updates! I have been really busy with work and with COVID going on it just makes everything worse! Stay tuned for more chapters because I'll be making them soon!

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