Chapter 37

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Jacob growls into the phone, making me snarl at him as a warning. "Bella is my imprint, okay? You can even ask Sam because Sam knows it. I found out she was my imprint the week before the wedding invitations were sent out for her and Edward's wedding." Jacob says while growling at me. "Uh huh. I highly doubt that but I will find out from Sam. I will also be making a trip down there to beat your ass because you took away a blood singer from a Cullen member. And now that I'm here, I will be the prosecutor in this trial. Don't think that I won't find out because I will find out." I snapped at him while growling again. "Again, Bella is my imprint and is now married to me, not Edward Cullen. You're more than welcome to come by. By all means, come on over and talk to Sam about it. Just don't bring any of the Cullens with you." Jacob snarls. I growl and snarl into the phone while gripping the cup more before putting it back on the table, not wanting to cut myself and cause any problems for them. "You keep it up and I beat your ass when I go over there. As for bringing one of the Cullens with me, I can bring whoever the fuck I want to. I have a treaty with both the wolves of La Push and the vampires of Forks. And in both treaty agreements, a shifter who lives in either Forks or La Push can bring at least one member from either side to the other side of the treaty line as they do not cause any problems or a fight does not happen to either side. Therefore, I can bring whoever the fuck I want to. I don't have to listen to an Alpha cub like you." I snapped at him before hanging up the phone. Jacob is going to feel the wrath of me soon. Once I get better and feel up to it within a few days, I am taking Carlisle with me and am heading over to Sam's house to deal with him and get the books about the mating bonds between different supernatural creatures.

I put my phone on the table and grab the cup of orange juice, chugging the rest of it down. "Darling, are you okay? You seem like you want to head over now." Carlisle asks me, making me look at him as I grab the fork Rosalie hands me. "I'm fine. Jacob is going to definitely get it once I feel better and strong enough to kick his ass." I say as I start eating my food. "You know Sam will take care of it for you, darling. Why go over and do that yourself?" He replies. "Because the way I am going to do it is different than the way Sam punishes his pack. I am doing it the Louisiana way. And believe me when I say that he is not going to screw with me or you guys again." I say to him as I grab my cup, holding it out for either Rosalie or Alice to grab. "Can one of you ladies be a dear and pour me another glass, please?" I ask them nicely. Alice grabs it first before walking over to the fridge, making me giggle and roll my eyes at her childishness. Alice reminds me of a child being happy that her mother is awake and getting better. Does she see me as a mother even though Esme was her mother role when she was alive? And Edward, if you are anywhere near me, do not even answer that out loud. I hear Edward chuckle, making me look at the kitchen door frame when he walks in. "Alright, I won't answer that for you in front of everyone. I know better than to do that now." Edward says, making me smile a bit at him before going back to eating, grabbing the cup from Alice when she brings it back to me. 

I wipe my mouth with the napkin before putting the napkin on the plate, watching Rosalie take my plate and bring it to the sink where Alice is washing the dishes. "What would you like to do now, darling?" Carlisle asks me. "Do you have the books about shapeshifters? I know I had about 5 books of them in my home before coming here to live with you." I ask him as I drink the rest of the orange juice. Carlisle chuckles and nods as he gets up, holding a hand out for me to take. I take his cold hand in my warm one, getting up before the two of us walk out of the kitchen. We walk over to the living room, Carlisle leading me towards the loveseat couch. He helps me sit down before grabbing the blanket and putting it over me. I giggle a bit at his overcaringness, making him smile at me before walking to the bookshelf. "You do know that I am better, just taking a bit to physically be better, right love?" I say to Carlisle. "I know, darling. But I want to make sure you're better mentally, emotionally, and physically. If you're not better then it is my job as your mate to make sure you're better." Carlisle replies. "Love, you have to also head to work as well. Granted, we have more than enough but I don't think the hospital would be able to function properly without you. So, you head to work and I can stay with the rest of your family. They can take care of me as well while you're working." I tell him.

Carlisle chuckles and shakes his head as he smiles at me. "You can't just say yes to me, can you darling?" He asks me as he walks over to the bookshelf. "I can say yes, but I know when to say yes. You want me to say yes so you can call out of work for a few days." I tell him as I cross my arms. Carlisle chuckles and shakes his head as he walks over to me with two books in his arms. "Is it that bad that I want to stay with my mate while she recovers?" He replies as he holds a book out for me. I roll my eyes and take the book from his hands, giving him a look. "You know what I mean, love. I know you want to stay with me but you also have to work as well. You know the hospital needs you and every other doctor and nurse enjoy watching what you do and how you help patients. You're very intelligent and are better than most human doctors. Why else would you not be there? Honestly, you could teach others your ways of being a doctor." I explain to him. Carlisle looks at me before smiling as he puts a hand on my cheek, making me lean into his touch. "You know just what to say, don't you darling?" He asks me. I open my eyes and look at him, giving him a sincere smile. I go to respond before hearing someone walk into the living room. "Carlisle, we need you. There's been an issue." I hear Jasper say, making me look at him.

Carlisle looks at him before getting up, putting the book on the couch. "How bad is the issue?" Carlisle asks me. "I think it's best you come out and see." Jasper replies. I watch Carlisle tense before following Jasper out, Edward walking in a moment later. "Edward, what's the matter?" I ask him. "I can't tell you. You'd go crazy and you're still healing." Edward tells me. "No, tell me what the hell is going on and why Carlisle looked scared. I need to know, Edward. Now." I ask him as I put the book next to the one Carlisle was going to read, taking the blanket off. Edward sighs as he looks down before looking back at me. "Melissa, your brother's here. And he wants to take you to the Volturi." Edward asks me. I tense as I stare at Edward, hearing my heart beat faster. Why is he here? What does he want with me? Is he here to take my to the Volturi because I'm a shapeshifter like he was and they want to turn me into a hybrid to see if I'll be stronger than Marcus? "Melissa please don't do anything rash right now. You're still healing. You shouldn't go out there." Edward says to me. "I am going out there. If it's me he wants, he can try because he won't get me. Now take me to where they are." I say as I get up. Edward sighs as he shakes his head before nodding as I follow him out the living room. We walk out the front door, making Marcus look at me. "Hello, twin." Marcus says while smirking at me, his bright orange eyes staring into my green ones.

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