Chapter 11

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I get under the covers as I watch Carlisle slide his shoes off. He takes his jacket off and walks to his desk. He puts his jacket on the desk chair and walks back over to me. He gets under the covers and I move closer to him. He puts his arms around me and pulls me into him. I nuzzle my face in his collarbone, closing my eyes and slowly fall asleep, bus coldness making me oddly warm.

Little did I know that in the morning, there would be an argument going on between Rosalie and me about me being with Carlisle.

Next morning
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I yawn as I slowly open my eyes. I rub my eye as I sit up. I look around and blush when I realize that I'm in Carlisle's room. I pull the covers off and put my feet on the floor, shivering as a chill goes up my spine. I quickly tip toe to the dresser and grab my clothes. I quickly walk back to the bed and hop on it just as the door opens. I stop and get under the covers quickly. "Good morning, Melissa. I was just going to leave your clothes for today on the desk." Alice says happily as she walks in. I sigh and get out of bed. "Do you have-" She cuts me off when she hands me a pair of slippers. I smile at her and put them on. "Thanks. I'll get ready now." I tell her. "I have to do your hair. But I'll leave and let you get ready." She replies. I nod as she walks out.

I walk to the desk and slide the nightgown off. I put my bra on and slide the dress on. "Alice can you help me please?" I call out as I hold the flaps. She walks in and smiles at me, nodding. I turn around and move my hair away. She zips it up and pats my shoulders. I smile at her as I slide the heels on. I put the jacket on and grab the watch. I put it on and grab the bracelet. I put it on and put the earrings on. I look at her as she pulls the chair out. "I'm going to do a princess braid and make it look like a crown." She tells me. I nod as I close my eyes, letting her do her work. "So Melissa, how do you like it here?" She asks me as she gently brushes my hair. "It's nice here. Everyone is nice to me except Rosalie and Dani. I know why for Dani but Rosalie I'm not sure." I reply. "Rose is like that because Esme was her mother figure and now that she's gone, she doesn't think that Carlisle should date anyone else." She tells me.

I open my eyes and growl. "Carlisle deserves to have someone. You have Jasper. Edward has Dani and Remesmee. She has Emmett. Why can't he be happy as well?" I growl out. "I wouldn't worry about it. She'll come around." She replies. I sigh but nod a bit as I close my eyes again, letting her continue my hair. Why can't Rosalie just accept the fact that he is with me? I'm not a werewolf but being a werewolf isn't that bad either. I'm just a shapeshifter. A shapeshifter's love for a vampire is rare but then again is hard to find. I thought I was going to be with one of Sam's pack members. "I'm glad you're not, Melissa. We wouldn't have met you if you didn't have Carlisle as your mate."

I snap my eyes open when I see Edward walk in Carlisle and I's room. "I'm sorry about reading your mind. I noticed that when you're calm and not focused it makes your mind easier to read. But when you're concentrated about something I get bits and pieces." He tells me. "I should probably get used to you reading my kind. Anyway, what's up?" I ask him. "Nothing, breakfast is ready and Alice has been done with your hair for 5 minutes already." He replies. I blush as I get up. I fix my dress then walk out of our room with Edward behind me.

I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. I watch Emmett walk Rosalie out but she stops and glares at me. "Can I help you Rosalie?" I ask annoyingly. "Yeah, leave Carlisle alone. He doesn't need a mutt around him and distract him from work." She snaps, making me chuckle. You fucking bitch. You're lucky I don't kill you. "Melissa." Edward warns. I shake my head and glare at her as I clench my hands. "You know what Rosalie? You of all people show understand why Carlisle would want to find someone again. He has been faithful to Esme for a very long time and now that she's gone, he should get to have another chance. Why can't he have another chance?" I ask her angrily. "Because if he loved her, he wouldn't have gone with someone like you." She spats, making me tense. What the hell is wrong with me? I didn't even do anything to you. If I kill you, then Emmett would kill himself after I killed you. And he'd hate me for it until he killed himself and I wouldn't be able to deal with it so you're lucky I don't do it. Ugh!!!!

I shake my head and take my heels off. "Darling." Carlisle says but I shake my head at him as I shift into a hawk, making my clothes drop to the floor. I fly over to Rosalie and swipe my claws at her hair, making her scream and try to swat at me. I fly out the opened window and to our house. How could she say that? I didn't do anything to her!

Little did I know that Carlisle and Edward were looking for me after they yelled at Rosalie.

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