Chapter 40

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Alice nods as she walks back over to Carlisle, Sam looking back at me. "Are you ready to do this? Because you know once I cut the wires, you'll start to feel like you're being electrocuted or a stinging pain until I can cut this off fully. At least from the looks of this because it definitely has wires all throughout the collar. And cutting them might work before they get a chance to even use it on you." Sam asks me as he gives me a worried look. I nod as I take the leather belt in my mouth, gripping the arms of his recliner. "I'm sure I want to do this. Marcus needs to pay for what he's done." I say around the belt. Sam nods as he takes a deep breath, cutting the wires kind of quickly. I close my eyes quickly and grip the arms of the recliner more, feeling my canines come out. I hear Carlisle talking in the background as I do my best not to let my wolf out. "Sam, you might want to hurry up. I'm going to take him outside but I don't know how much longer I can keep him stable." I hear Alice call out as her voice slowly becomes faded. No! Don't happen now! Hurry up Sam! "I'm doing my best but the material here is pretty strong." Sam replies, hearing him grunt a bit as he does his best to cut it off. "Sam, either you hurry up or else my wolf is coming out and I won't be able to hold her back much longer." I tell him as I keep my eyes closed, gripping the arm rests more. "I'm almost done, Lissa. Just be patient just a bit longer." Sam pleads out as I hear the scissors drop to the floor. "Fuck this. Lissa, this might hurt and I'm sorry if I cut you but the scissors aren't cutting it anymore. I still got about half of the collar left to cut." Sam tells me. I go to ask him what he means before roaring out loudly when I feel him cut the remainder of it, cutting my neck a bit. I tackle Sam to the floor, my beady red eyes staring into his scared brown eyes. "Lissa, please don't hurt me. I got it off and the cut is already healing." Sam pleads out as he puts a hand on my cheek. I continue to snarl at him before I snap out of it. I quickly got off of him, scrambling backwards and leaning against his recliner. What the fuck did I just do and why did I try to attack my best friend I have treated like a brother all these years?

I cover my face as I breathe heavily, my mind trying to wrap around the reason why I almost did what I did. "Lissa?" I hear Sam say as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head as I keep my hands over my face before feeling him take my hands off my face. "Lissa, look at me. You're okay. That was from the collar before I took it off. Please believe me." Sam begs as he puts a hand on my face. I slowly look at him, tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry, Sammy. I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what got into me. It's like the collar took over before you took it off." I say while choking on a sob. Sam shakes his head as he pulls me in for a hug. I hide my face in his neck as I wrap my arms around him, gripping his shoulders as I cry harder against his neck. "Lissa, I know it wasn't you that just tried to attack me. I know that there was a possibility that it was the collar before I took it of fully. You don't have to apologize." Sam replies as he rubs my back slowly. I shake my head as I choke on a sob. "No, Sammy. What I just did was wrong and I can't say that it wasn't me fully." I mumble against his neck. I shouldn't have hurt him when I had asked him to help me.

Sam pulls out of the hug and looks at me. "Melissa Nevaeh Rivera, what you did was not your fault. If we want to blame anyone, it would be your brother. He was the one who put that thing on your neck. He was the one who did this to you. So you are not the perp. You are the victim. Now stop blaming yourself because you aren't at fault." Sam tells me as he puts his hand on my cheek. I close my eyes and lean against his touch before snapping my eyes open when I hear the front door be slammed open. "Carlisle." I whisper, making Sam get up quickly. Sam helps me up before turning around, putting his hands in front of himself when Carlise comes rushing in. "Carlisle, before you do anything irrational, think about this. Melissa isn't in control of the Volturi. She isn't letting her primal instincts take over either. So, please, think before you do anything." Sam tells him. "I heard her roar out in pain and Alice had to throw me into a tree to try to calm me down. What did you do to her?" Carlisle snaps at him, growling a bit. I slowly move from being behind Sam, making Carlisle look at me. "You're okay." Carlisl breathes out as his eyes scan my body for any cuts or bruising I assume. "Sam saved me just in time, love. Marcus had already pushed the button I assume and I was close to being a complete mind controlled slave for them if it wasn't for Sam. Sam helped us, if anything. Helped me not hurt him or anyone close to me." I tell him as I slowly walk over to him. Carlisle grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug, tight but not tight enough to hurt me. I grip his shirt as I hide my face in his chest, inhaling his scent to calm my nerves.

Carlisle pulls out of the hug and puts a hand on my cheek, making me nuzzle my face in his hand. "Did you want to go home now and call your parents there?" Carlisle asks me. I shake my head as I look at him. "I need to call them now while my mind is fresh of what he did still. And I know my Poppa would want to come so I would need Sam's permission to have them stay either here or in a house nearby that he owns." I tell him. Carlisle nods as we look at Sam, me giving him an innocent smile. Sam chuckles and nods as he points to Emily. "Emily still has her home so they're more than welcome to stay there for the time being until we finish with this problem we have." Sam replies. "Sam, this isn't your problem. It's mine and mine alone." I tell him.

Sam chuckles and an shakes his head before pointing to my side. "I don't know if you remember but our fathers had us get the same tattoo they have on their chest on our side instead. That was their best friend tattoo and we have the same thing. So whatever problem you have with anyone, Carlisle is included along with myself. You know that by now." Sam explains to me. I slowly slide my shirt up and stare at the tattoo on my side. Sam's right. We did the get same tattoo like Poppa and his Dad do. I sigh a bit before nodding. "Alright. Sam, can I use the home phone instead of using your cell phone?" I ask him. Sam chuckles and points to the kitchen. "On the counter right next to the sliding door." Sam replies. I smile at him and nod before walking over to his kitchen where the pack is staring at me. "Okay. One last time. Just because I'm a shifter and my partner is a vampire doesn't mean that you stare at me like I'm a monster or anything. I will have Sam punish you if you keep his up." I tell them before walking to the counter. I grab the phone from the charger and open the sliding door, walking out. I dial my home number and put the phone to my ear, hearing it ring. Please answer. Momma, Poppa answer the phone. "Hello? Rivera residence. How can I direct your call?" I hear Poppa say. "Hey Poppa. It's me. I'm at Sam's house right now and I need to talk to both you and Momma about something." I tell him as I bite my thumbnail. "Whas wrong, munchkin? Didn't you leave here not even 2 weeks ago?" Poppa asks me. "No Poppa but I really need to talk to you and Momma." I tell him before sighing. "It's about Marcus." I add as I stare at the flooring of his back patio. "Marcus? Why would you want to talk about him for? He's dead. We saw the body." I hear Momma say in the background.

I shake my head as I rub my head, knowing what I am about to tell her will make her break down again. "Momma, I know you don't want to hear about Marcus being alive but he is. He's here or was here in Forks, and he put this collar around my neck to control me into being a shapeshifter slave for him and the Volturi. Momma, he's alive and he wants to hurt me." I tell her as I clench my hand, hoping Momma believes me. "No. There's no way my baby boy is alive and trying to kill you." Momma replies. Here we go. "Honey, you didn't see the puncture marks he had on his neck AND shoulder. He was bit twice by a vampire which means he could've gotten turned to become a hybrid. It's possible that munchkin is telling the truth about your baby boy." Poppa replies. "She could also by lying to make us come down there for nothing." Momma replies. "Momma, why would I call you from Sam Uley's phone when I could've called you from my cell phone or Carlisle's phone? Sam Uley had just gotten done taking the damn collar off seconds before I became a damn slave." I ask her while shaking my head. "She does have a point, dear. She also wouldn't be calling us and make this up. And the whole collar thing does sound like Marcus. Remember when he did it to her second boyfriend, William?" Poppa says. "Alright fine. But if he isn't alive and the one doing this, you'll be getting it from me." Momma says. "Momma why can't you ever believe me about what Marcus does? Poppa does whenever he did it." I ask her. "That doesn't matter. When do you want us down there?" Poppa asks me. "The earlier the better. And hopefully it's soon because I don't want this happening to me again or worse where I can't call you." I ask him. "Alright munchkin. We'll be down soon. Will we be staying with you or Sam?" Poppa asks me. "His fiancées house, actually. She lives with Sam so he said it would be okay for you and Momma to stay there." I tell him. "Alright munchkin. See you soon." Poppa says before I hang up on him. I put a hand on my chest and sigh in relief, glad my Poppa believed me. But why did Momma sound like she was going to snap on me if it wasn't Marcus?

Hey everyone! So sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a while. Had writers block, work, and on top of it I was sick so I couldn't do it sooner. But finally got it up while my hands weren't shaking as bad as before. I'll upload another up very soon. Thank you all for being patient with me.

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