Chapter 46

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I heard Sam growl before getting up and walking away from me. "Marcus Rivera, get your ass down here or go back to Italy! Don't you think she's getting enough shit from you?!" Sam yells out while snarling. I groan out as I yank the  blade out, throwing it away from me. Unless she joins the Volturi and tells Carlisle or any of the Cullens not to follow behind us, I will leave her alone." Marcus replies. "Fine! I'll go with you to Italy! Now stop hurting me!" I yell out weakly before slowly getting up, keeping one hand on my chest. I hear Marcus chuckles as I slowly walk over towards the woods. "Momma, Poppa, please don't follow me. I'll be fine going with Marcus. And Sam, please make sure my parents don't follow me along with Carlisle or any of the Cullens. I don't need to worry about them and a long lost brother I don't know about getting hurt by the Volturi." I tell all three of them before following Marcus into the woods. Hopefully they don't follow me and get hurt in the process. I need to focus on getting Samuel and finding a way to escape the Volturi when I get there.

I watch Marcus smirk at me before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder, making me groan and spit up more blood. "Don't worry. You'll heal soon. That was because you wouldn't join me the third time. But you'll be sorry for not saying yes the first time." Marcus says, speeding away from Sam's house. I close my eyes as I grip his pants, doing my best not to spit up blood. My chest still hurts but I just want to be with Carlisle. I can't think of anywhere else I want to be.

Time skip to Italy

I groan loudly when Marcus throws me onto the concrete before slowly sitting up. "Ah, you must be Melissa. Mark has told us all about you." I hear Aro say, making me look at him. "Who the fuck is Mark? You mean my brother Marcus?" I retort as I growl a bit. "Yes. But since he was reborn he chose to change his name. His new name is Mark." Aro replies, making me roll my eyes. "Now, onto very important matters. You are here because we want you to be part of our coven and see how powerful you become once you are bitten and turned into a vampire. You will also be able to change your name if you feel like your name doesn't fit you once you become a hybrid." Caius says, making me glare at him. "I will not be part of your fucked up coven. I already have my own coven and I will be turned when the time is right. Not by your wants and needs." I snarl at them. Aro smirks at me, making me shudder and look away. Aro looks really creepy doing that smirk of his. Carlisle told me how bad they can be when we were cuddling on the loveseat one night. "Are you saying you'd rather have your dearest older brother bitten instead?" Aro says as I hear one of them snap their fingers.

I look back at them before slowly getting up onto my feet when I watch Jane and some guy with brown hair and red eyes drags a beaten up Samuel towards them. "Samuel. What did you do to him?" I snapped at them. "We said we would torture him until you agreed. So that's what we're doing. As far as I know, I have no family anymore. You, Mother, Father, and Samuel are all dead to me. Well, Except Samuel considering he will be part of our coven soon if you continue to decline our offer." Marcus/Mark says to me, making me look at him. "But you're an immortal. Why would you hurt us when we still see you as family? Momma and Poppa still see him as family too." I ask him before coughing when I feel the pain in my chest hurt again. I'm speaking too much. I should be letting my chest heal. "Because family doesn't ignore family. Family doesn't argue about ceremonies that are happening and wanting their family to be there. If you just said yes you wouldn't be in this situation. You would probably still be with Carlisle in your bedroom, either cuddling or him reading to you as you fall asleep. But my new family is here, and they don't ignore me. They allow me to show them what I want them to see. They actually care about me more than anyone else in the world." Marcus explains to me.

I growl as I walk over to him. "Master, should I-" I hear Jane say but she gets cut off. "No, not just yet." I walk up to him and clench my hands, growling at him. "Are you serious? You joined the Volturi because you wanted some attention? What about me? When you got into that car crash three years ago, I felt it. I felt your leg break. I felt your ribs crack. I felt your head hit the steering wheel, cracking right down the middle of your forehead. That's how I know you have that scar right there on your forehead." I start as I point to the small scar on his forehead. "And before the accident, when you were dating that one girl in high school, our junior year. What was her name? Kinsley? Layla? No, her name was Wendy. I remember when she cheated on you and broke your heart. And don't think I forgot about Makayla when you were in your sophomore year in college. She actually abused the shit out of you and made you think it was because it was your fault. So don't even think for a second that your blood family is dead to you because our parents and I did care and love you. These leeches only love you for your power." I snap at him.

Marcus stares at me with wide eyes before glaring at me. "You never loved me. You loved yourself and your career." Marcus replies. "Are you fucking serious?!?! I LITERALLY told you to open up your own shop! I told you to go for it when our parents said it wouldn't be a good idea! I told you who to hire from the applications that were stacked in your office! I'm the one who made it with you!!! Not Momma and Poppa! Not your friends! Not your girlfriends! Me! You fucking twin sister! So don't stand here and say I didn't love you when all I did was love you and support you on your dream!!!" I yell out before coughing hard, spitting up blood in the process. "And if you say I did it out of pity, then you're wrong." I add weakly as I look at him, putting my hand back on my chest. "Well this was eventful. But Melissa, we still need your answer as to if you're going to join us or not." I hear Aro say to me, making me look at him. "At this point, I won't join you. I'm not going to deal with being a crutch for my twin brother. And at this next point, I barely know Samuel and was doing it because he's apparently my family. But now I don't feel sorry for him being turned. As a matter of fact, you can just kill him off now. I'm cutting off all ties of him to our parents and me." I say as I wave my hand off towards Samuel, literally cutting all ties with him from Momma, Poppa, and myself.

Aro raises both eyebrows before nodding as he snaps his fingers. "Kill the boy. And burn his body. Melissa, I'm sure you don't want to see who else we have that was part of your family. So you should reconsider-" Aro starts but I cut him off. "I don't have much family. And as for my Aunts and Uncles, they're smarter than to live on your radar. You won't be able to find anyone else to make me become part of your coven." I say as I look down at my chest, noticing it's healing a bit. Okay. I should be able to talk a bit better now. And longer too. Just needed to let it heal. "Well, I wouldn't say from your family. It was difficult enough to track your half brother down. I was referring to your mate's family." Aro replies, making me snap my head up towards him. "Who do you have from Carlisle's coven?" I snap, trying to figure out who they have. I'm sure he got them when they were hunting. That's the only possible time I can think of. Carlisle told me that they are most vulnerable when they hunt because it's when they need animal blood. "You should already know who he's referring to. Considering you stole him from me." I hear someone say, making me gasp and cover my mouth. She's still alive?!?!

Okay, I ended up putting a lot of stuff in this last chapter but the ending is definitely a plot twist for you guys! Who do you think the person is? And who could she have stolen from said person? Find out more in the sequel! I don't have a name for it yet but I'm thinking about it and the first chapter of that one will definitely be a continuation of this book! But there will probably be a lot of skips than there was in here. Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! See you later my wolfies!

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