Chapter 19

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I fall back when I feel someone throw her off of me. "Melissa." I hear a distant voice say. I groan when I feel someone bite me in the same spot she did. I slowly put a hand on their shoulder, feeling the doctor jacket on it. "Carlisle." I mumble as I feel myself getting drained. "Carlisle that's enough." I hear Edward say. I drop my head to the side as I black out. I'm sorry Edward but I couldn't stay awake much longer.

Carlisle's POV

I feel someone yank me off of my bloodsinger, making me growl. "Carlisle please. She's had enough. Look at her. You almost killed her" Edward says. I look at her and gasp when I see her pale complexion. "I-I'm a monster." I whisper as I look away. "Carlisle, you couldn't stop yourself from drinking-" I cut him off. "Take her back to Louisiana. Please Edward. Explain the situation to her parents. Tell them I'm sorry I almost killed their daughter." I tell him as I run away from the scene. I couldn't stop myself. Her blood was so delicious. I just had to have more. I hate myself for doing that. I can't be around her if I can't control myself.

I walk to my car and open it. I get in and pull the visor down. I open the small area for the mirror and look at my face. I grab some wipes and clean around my mouth. I look at my eyes, watching them slowly going back to my golden yellow color. I close the mirror then the visor. I put the wipe in the small bag and sigh. I need to be more careful. I never had a urge like that. I don't know why. I need to ask the vampire coven in Brazil or near the Netherlands. I get my phone out and dial the only person that I have never called nor asked for in 150 years since I met him. (A/N: Who do you think he's calling? Take a guess and read to find out. It may not be in this chapter but it may be in the next chapter.)

Edward's POV

I look at Melissa and sigh. I walk over to her unconscious body and pick her up. "Alice, find and tell Carlisle that it wasn't his fault. Everything happened because Rosalie was angry. If he blames himself then it's guilt that he's feeling." I tell her. She nods and speeds away from myself, Melissa, and Jasper. "Jasper, I want you to talk to Rosalie when I get back. She needs to know that it's wrong to drive someone's bloodsinger away from their mate." I tell Jasper. He nods and speeds away from me. I look at Melissa and go into her mind, looking through her memory really quick. I need to find a picture of her home. I don't know where she lives at. I could tell Alice but I have her finding Carlisle.

I stop when I see a grey house with a big front lawn and driveway. I look closer and see the address. 187 South 2nd street. I nod to myself and pull Melissa closer, using my vampire speed to run to her house. I'll have to tell them why I have their daughter. I saw a guy as well but that was probably her twin or younger brother. I'll have to ask them when I meet them.

---Skip run to her home---

I slow down to a walk and walk up the walkway. "Mr and Mrs Rivera? Anyone home? Hello?" I call out as I get near the house. I hear someone walk up to the door when I walk up the small stairs. The door opens to reveal Mr Rivera. "Can I help you? Who are you... Munchkin?!?! what happened to Melissa?!" He asks me, yelling at the end. "I'm Edward Cullen and yes I am a vampire. But I'm a vegetarian vampire. Your daughter is my maker's bloodsinger and one of the other clan members fought her, biting her in the process. My maker tried to drain the venom out but went too far. He's blaming himself and I told my other clan member that I would bring her to you and her mother." I explain to him.

He nods as he opens the door more. "You may come in." He replies as I look at him. I nod as I walk in. She looks like her father. "May I ask where her mother is? And where the living room is perhaps?" I ask him. "Living room is to your left. Her mother is in the kitchen. Just down the hall." He replies. I nod as I walk to the living room. "Dearie, who was that?" I hear her mother ask. "A vegetarian vampire named Edward Cullen. He brought our daughter from Washington. She's hurt real bad." He replies. I hear her mother gasp as I walk to the couch. Well, one of the couches. And can I say that she is wealthy. Why does she need to work? I lay her down and move some hair out of her face. "What happened to her?" I turn around, seeing her mother. "A fight gone wrong with one of my clan members. She bit her on her neck and my maker went to drain the venom but drank her blood after he drained all the venom out her system. Other then glass shards from her being thrown out a closed window." I explain to her.

She nods as she walks over to her daughter's unconscious form. "Who's her bloodsinger?" She asks me. "My maker, Carlisle Cullen. But he's back at Washington, moping around about how he's a monster and how he hurt his bloodsinger. I volunteered to come here and bring her to you. He wants her here at least a week. If she wants to stay here she can. Her phone is in her jacket pocket. It's cracked at the corner but nothing major." I explain to her. She nods as I hear my phone go off. I get my phone out and see Alice messaged me. I found Carlisle. He was back at work in his car. He was on the phone with someone when I was walking up to the car. He's going back to work and will call her when he is done with work. I message back telling her what happened while she was finding our adopted father.

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