Chapter 6

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Okay, let's head to my place. I'll get you clothes Melissa. Then we can talk./ I nod as we run to Sam's place. Hopefully it's the same place before I left.

Little did I know that Carlisle was on his side of the treaty line, watching the three of us talk in our mindlink.

We run up to the back of his house and Sam looks at me. I can't help but notice how big his wolf has gotten. By the looks of it, I can go under him and lay down there.

Stay here and I'll get you clothes. Jake, phase back when I get her clothes.
Yes Sam.

Sam goes behind a tree and phases back. He walks out behind the tree on a pair of cut off shorts. He nods at us as he walks up to his back porch. Jacob looks at me as I sit, waiting for Sam.
How do you know Sam? He barely talks about his past./ I look at Jacob and tilt my head before chuckling a bit.
I know Sam because I grew up with him. He's only a year older than me. But when my dad brought me over his dad's house, we started playing. Since then, we've been inseparable. But when my dad made us move, it basically ended our friendship bond we had. I came back yesterday.
Now that makes sense. Sam said he felt you come back yesterday. He said something about your bond becoming stronger.
I think I felt it as well. Well, not as much as the pain I still feel when Marcus's anniversary gets closer.
You'll learn to become numb after five years.
You're right. I may but I'm not sure I want to become numb.
I understand. It's just a suggestion.
I'll think about it.

Jacob nods as Sam walks back out. "I got you a pair of one of my pack members underwear sets. You'll have to bring some over in case you jump over the treaty line." Sam tells me. I nod as he puts them in front of me. I wolf nod as I grab them with my canines. I walk to a tree and get behind it. I shift back and put the -kinda tight- bra and underwear set, jean shorts -that stop at mid-thigh- and a tank top. I walk out from behind the tree and smile at Sam. "You really haven't changed at all, Sam." I say as I walk over to him. Sam chuckles as he hugs me. I hug him back, smiling. He's still the caring Sam that I knew before we moved. Sam pulls out of the hug as I hear Jacob walk out. I turn around and see a tan teenager with short hair and chocolate color eyes. "Nice to meet you in person, Jacob. I'm Melissa." I say as I put a hand out.

Jacob chuckles as he hugs me. "Should've warned you. Jacob is a hugger." Sam says behind us. I chuckle as I hug him back. Jacob quickly let's go of the hug and looks at my shoulder. "What at is it?" I ask him. He points to my left shoulder. "How long has that been there?" He asks me. I raise an eyebrow and walk to Sam's back porch. I walk up the small set of stairs and open the screen door. I walk in and to the mirror right near his front door. I look at my left shoulder in the mirror and gasp. Carlisle's name was burned into my skin. It actually burned itself into my shoulder without me knowing. I quickly turn around and look at Sam with a worried glance. "It's okay. I won't hate you if your mate is a vampire. It happens. Jacob's father, Billy said it's possible for a shapeshifter to imprint on a vampire. So if your mate is a full vampire, it won't change anything with us." Sam explains to me. I nod and walk to his kitchen. "I'll come over tomorrow if I can, Sam. I have to head home." I tell him, turning around to face him.

Sam nods as he walks up to me. He hugs me, making me automatically hug him back. "Be safe and message or email me when you get home." Sam says to me. I nod as he let's go of the hug. I look at Jacob and smile. "It was so nice meeting you, Jacob. I hope to see you again soon." I say to him as I walk out. I close the screen door and walk into the woods. I strip the clothes off and put them in a small messy pile in front of the tree. I shift into my timber wolf and run back to my house, over the treaty line. I can change into other animals but the timber wolf was the first animal I shifted into with Marcus. So I stay shifting into a timber wolf. I run up to the treaty line and jump over it. I continue to run to my house, not wanting Carlisle to follow me or have his son, Edward, tell him I was near his house.

I run up to my porch and shift back. I walk in and close the screen door. I lock it and walk to my room. I close the door behind me and walk to my bed. I grab my phone and unlock it. I quickly email Sam that I got home safe along with my number for him to message me. I lock my phone and put it on the charger. I walk to my dresser and open a draw. I grab a blue bra and underwear set out and put it on. I close the draw and open another one. I grab a shirt and put it on. I walk to my bed and move the covers. Before I even get in my bed, I tense and growl. I quickly turn around and see Carlisle at my window.

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