Chapter 1

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Melissa's POV

I sigh as I turn my alarm off on my phone. I get out of bed and fix it. I walk out my room and straight to my bathroom. I have a mini mansion but it's not as beautiful as the one a bit far from where I'm at. That mansion looks like its mostly made out of glass windows. Well, from a distance it does. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth, brush my hair, and do my business. I walk out my bathroom and back down the hallway and into my room. I walk straight to my closet and open my double doors. I walk in and pick out my outfit. (Btw, pic should be above.) I slide my heels on and walk out my closet. Yes I have a walk in closet. I'm awesome I know. I close the doors and walk to my vanity. I put on a bit of makeup, mascara, and eyeliner.

I blow myself a kiss in the mirror and wink at myself as I stand up. I push my chair in and grab my purse. I walk out my room and down the stairs. I walk to my kitchen and grab an apple. I move over to the fridge and grab my container. I basically moved here last night around 7 pm but got everything unpacked by midnight. It wasn't much stuff but I had enough time to cook something quickly. So I made myself rice with steak and mushrooms on top of it. I know, it's delicious. I remember my Poppa used to make it for me when I was growing up.

I close the fridge and walk out. I grab my keys as I walk out. I unlock my car and open the driver side door. I get in and close the door once I'm situated. I put the container on the passenger seat and my purse next to it. I put my key in the slot and turn it on, hearing my car roar to life. I put my car in drive and pull away from my mini mansion. I have been to the Forks Hospital before I moved here. The person that hired me, Dr. Noah Wilson, said that I can start the day after I moved. So now, I'm heading to work to talk to Dr. Noah about my schedule and who I'm working with since I'll be a nurse before becoming a doctor. He said something about me working with someone but I wasn't listening because I got an intoxicating scent. It smelled like apple cinnamon, soap, and latex. I'm not even sure who it was but I'm guessing they were my mate. Whoever they were. Well, whatever supernatural creature they are. If they're human then I'll have to be careful about what I say. Because my grandpa had to when he met grandma. He had to hide it from her and I am amazed she didn't know or notice anything.

I pull up into a spot just as a Mercedes S55 AMG pulls up next to me. Huh, whoever has that car must be wealthy. Plus tinted windows so you can get away with anything and everything. I raise an eyebrow as I turn my car off. I take my key out and take my seatbelt off. I open the car door and get out. I grab my purse and lunch out of the passenger side. I close the car door and watch a beautiful man with blonde hair and golden eyes step out. I quickly look away, not wanting to feel that mate pull. I may be a shapeshifter but I don't want to be brought down by my mate. Again, Poppa said that grandpa was brought down by grandma who was complete human. She didn't even know what he was. Which is sad but it's also life. I quickly walk in, locking my car in the process. I walk to the front desk and smile at the nurse. "Hello, my name is Melissa Rivera. I'm here to see Dr. Noah Wilson." I tell her. "Yes, you're the new assistant for Dr. Cullen, correct?" She asks me, looking at me from the computer she was just typing at. I nod as I fix my purse. "I'll call Dr. Noah right away. Dr. Cullen should be clocking in momentarily. He comes to work at this time." She replies, looking back at the computer. I smile at her as I hear the doors open. "Morning Jessica." I hear him say. I turn around and watch that gorgeous man walk in. "Morning Dr. Cullen. This is Melissa Rivera. She'll be working with you. Dr. Noah will introduce you when he arrives." Jessica tells him. He nods and looks at me. I quickly look away and close my eyes, trying to calm down. Damn this scent..... Wait, why is it coming from him? Was he the apple cinnamon scent I caught yesterday? What is he? He doesn't seem human. Or even look human. What is he?

I inhale then exhale quietly. "Ah, Melissa. Right on time as always." I hear Dr. Noah say. I open my eyes and smile at him. "I'd like to introduce you to your new boss, Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Dr. Cullen, this is Melissa Rivera, your new assistant. She'll be working with you while she learns how to become a doctor more. I want you to teach her. You've been here for 15 years and you're one of my best people I have. Correction, one of the people who has worked here for more than 10 years. Everyone else leaves before their 10 years." Dr. Noah says while chuckling. Carlisle nods and looks at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Melissa." Carlisle says as he puts his hand out. I bite my lip as I slowly put my hand in his, quietly gasping when I feel his cold hand. I look at him as I shake his hand. "Ma- I mean- May I say it's a pleasure to work with the hospital's best doctor." I say, stumbling over the word mate. He smiles as he let's go. Why is his hand so cold? Why do I not hear a heartbeat coming from him? I hear everyone's heartbeat but not his. Why is that?

Dr. Noah smiles at us then looks at his pager when we all hear a beep. "I'm sorry to keep this short, but I am being paged to the OR. Dr. Cullen, can you please show her your office please?" Dr. Noah asks him. "I'd be honored. I will talk to you soon, Noah." Dr. Cullen replies. Dr. Noah nods as he walks away. "Well, shall we head to our office?" He asks me. I nod as I quickly look down, feeling my eyes change to black. A shapeshifter's eye color goes straight to black when they see their mate. I have to control it. I can't be phasing when I want. I don't know these woods yet. At least, not where I'm at. Where Sam lives at, I know like the back of my hand. Dr. Cullen nods as we walk to his office. "So, Ms. Rivera, may I ask how long you have been a doctor in your hometown?" He asks me.

I look at him as I control myself. "I've been a doctor there for about 4 years. But an incident happened and I didn't want to live there anymore. So I decided for a fresh start and picked here. It's seems quiet and it looks like a small town to be in." I tell him. He nods as he puts his hands in his pockets. "I see. Was the incident that occurred personal? Like family or a friend?" He asks me. "More of a family member then a friend." I say as we walk up to his office. He opens the door and we walk in. "This is our office. Your desk is right there. Mine is over here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. There is a schedule of what we will be doing today." He tells me, pointing to a cherry oak desk. I nod as I walk to my desk.

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