Chapter 15

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He looks at me and quickly gets up. He walks over to me as I drop the schedule on his desk, quickly clenching my hands. "Melissa, you need to relax. Rosalie can say what she wants but that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to her. I'm still going to date you and soon enough marry you one day. She isn't going to change anything between us." Carlisle tells me, making me stop growling. I look at him with wide eyes. He puts his hands on my face and gently kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He removes his hands from my cheeks and slides them down to my waist. I grip the collar of his doctor jacket as he hoists me up on his desk, pushing everything to the side. I giggle as he lays me back on his desk, crawling on top of me. He puts his hands flat on his desk as he swipes his tongue across my bottom lip. I moan and open my mouth, put tongues fighting for dominance.

Little did I know that Rosalie was in the woods, getting angry watching us make out on his desk.

I moan as I let Carlisle win while running my hands through his hair. He groans into the kiss as I grip the nape of his hair. He lowers himself more then detaches his lips from mine, kissing down my neck. I moan as I arch my back, gripping the collar of his doctor coat. He kisses my neck then nips my neck, making me squeak. "Looks like I found it." I hear him mumble as he nips at that spot again. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He stops kissing my neck and looks out the window quickly. "What is it?" I ask him, breathing heavily. He unwraps my legs from his waist and my arms from his neck, making me look at him, confused. "Rosalie is here." He says as he fixes his hair. I quickly sit up and fix my outfit. I walk over to him and glare at her. "You fix your desk. I'm going out there." I growl out as I turn around, walking out the office without letting him talk me out of it. I walk down the hall and out the hospital, growling. I walk to the side of the hospital and over to the woods.

"Nice to see that you're being a spy and not letting Carlisle be happy." I snap at her when I walk up to her. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, glaring at me. "I want him happy just not with someone who is a mutt." Rosalie replies. "Like you saw this morning I can shift into any animal and also anyone but I choose to shift into animals. Shifting into humans would make me sick or die." I snap at her. "Then do us all a favor and do that. He don't need you as a false true mate." Rosalie sneers, making me tense. I growl as I shift into a mountain lion, letting my dress fall off my body and my heels slide off. Yeah, I learned that trick. I can shift and my clothes can slide off instead of tearing. She looks at me with wide eyes as I pounce at her. I pin her to the ground and roar in her face, making her scream. "Melissa please. Don't hurt her."

I look behind myself as I dig my paws deeper into her shoulders. I watch Carlisle walk up to me. "Why should I huh? She hated me from the beginning." I tell him, making him looked at me shocked. But only he understands me due to the mate bond. "Because she is family and you would also be killing Emmett. If he knew you killed Rosalie, then he would dislike you and glare at you like she does." He replies. I tense when look away. I get off of her as I lay down, putting my paws on my face. "This is why having her as a mate is wrong. She can't control her shifting and she will try to kill one of us." I hear Rosalie snap at Carlisle. I growl as I get up. I shift back and put my clothes on.

I look at her as I fix my hair. "You may not like me for me supposedly being a werewolf but you're mistaking my species for the Quilette pack at La Push who happens to be allies with me. If you want my old pack come here just because I broke the ally treaty we have with you then so be it. Otherwise just get to know me before you hate me." I tell her as I slide my earrings on. "What is there to know? You went with the Uley pack before you showed up at work. So why bother when you'll just run away with one of them." She sneers. "Well maybe because I have my best friend over there who can help me with my problems." I tell her as I clench my hands. She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Rosalie, please stop finding a fight with my mate. I really don't appreciate it. Even though you have been around me longer please don't make this harder then what it is." Carlisle tells her. She looks at him with wide eyes and uncrosses her arms. "Are you picking your family over her? A shapeshifter?" She asks him. "No, I am asking you to just get along with her. With Jasper and Danielle I know what is wrong with them. But with you I am not sure." Carlisle replies.

Little did we know that we had a certain werewolf member watching us from afar.

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