Chapter 42

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Rosalie let's go of the hug before walking back over to Emmett. "I'm gonna head upstairs. I feel a bit tired." I tell everyone. "Do you want me to go with you?" Carlisle asks me just as his phone goes off. "No, it's okay. But I would answer your phone. It could be work." I tell him as I kiss his cheek before walking out of the living room. I walk up the stairs and to our bedroom. I close the door behind myself and strip my clothes off. I pick my clothes up and walk to my hamper, throwing my clothes in. I walk to our dresser and open a drawer, grabbing one of his shirts. I slide it on before walking over to our bed. I move the covers over before sitting on the bed. I throw the covers over myself before laying down, grabbing one of his pillows. I pull the pillow close to me as I close my eyes, slowly falling asleep. I don't know why I feel so tired. I guess it's because of the collar Marcus put on me. But why would he do it and why is me joining the Volturi so important to Marcus?

-Two days later-

I walk down the stairs, putting the shades on top of my head

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I walk down the stairs, putting the shades on top of my head. I just wanted to see how the shades would look with my outfit but I'm not gonna wear them. "Morning Melissa." I hear Jasper say, making me look at him in the living room while smiling a bit. "Good morning, Jasper. Have you seen Carlisle? He didn't come to bed last night." I say as I tilt my head. "Carlisle had gotten a call to do surgery on a patient last night before you went to bed. He might still be at work doing the surgery." Jasper replies. I nod before walking over to the kitchen. "Morning Mel." Rosalie says as she smiles at me. I smile at her before walking to the island, grabbing a banana. "Morning Rose." I say while hearing my phone go off. I get my phone out of my pocket, smiling when I see Poppa calling. I answer it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey Poppa. Did you and Momma land yet?" I ask him as I put the phone on my shoulder, leaning my cheek against my phone while opening the banana. "We just did, munchkin. Who's coming to pick us up?" Poppa replies. "I'll call Sam and have him come get me before the both of us get you two. Give me about 30 minutes." I say as I break a piece of the banana off, popping it in my mouth. "Alright munchkin. I'll see you when you get here." Poppa replies as the both of us hang up.

"Who was that?" Rosalie asks me, making me look at her. "My father. My parents flew into La Push to help me out with Marcus so I'm heading to Sam's to meet them. I'll be meeting Sam at the treaty line so I can jump over and get in his car and he can drive me to the airport." I tell her as I break another piece off, popping it in my mouth. "Does Carlisle know?" She replies. "Yes, Rosalie. He told me to just jump over instead of having him drive up to the house and have an issue start." I say as I text Sam. 'Hey Sam. Meet me at the treaty line in your car. My parents just landed and are waiting for us. Also, drive to the treaty line instead of running. Don't want my parents to be exhausted by the time they get to your house if they have to shape shift and run to your house.' I press send before putting my phone in my pocket. "Sam won't do anything to you, will he?" Dani asks me, making me look at her. "No. Sam isn't like that. Him and I are childhood friends and are also like family to one another." I tell her. Dani nods before going back to reading her fashion magazine. I finish eating the banana and throw the peel in the trash before hearing my phone go off. I take it out of my pocket and see that Sam messaged me back. 'Okay. I'm on my way to you. I'll meet you at the treaty line. And I wouldn't make them run if they have jet lag. But I will make them do that routine run we used to do as kids.' I smile at his message a bit before putting my phone away. "I'll see you ladies later. I'll be back more likely in the evening because I'm going to spend time with my parents while telling them what happened." I tell Rosalie and Danielle. They both nod as I walk out of the kitchen, heading to the front door.

I walk out the front door and down the porch stairs before taking my shades off and putting them on the stairs. I shift into my timber wolf form, my clothes wrapping around my ankle. I shake my fur out before running into the woods, heading straight for the treaty line. Hopefully I don't fight with Momma about Marcus. And hopefully Danielle doesn't start anything with her either because I have a feeling she might. I shake my head, getting rid of those thoughts before running faster. I know Poppa can't wait to see me even though it hasn't been that long. And this time we can actually hang out without anyone from Louisiana interrupting us. I howl in joy when I see Sam just pulling up to the treaty line. I jump over the treaty line and run to the nearest tree, shifting back to my human form. I fix my clothes and make sure my hair is as good as it can get before walking over to Sam's Jeep. "Nice to see you actually listened for once. Thought we'd have to go back to your place and get your Jeep before heading to the airport." I say to Sam jokingly as I get in. Sam rolls his eyes and chuckles as he gives me a playful glare. "You know I wouldn't do that to your parents. They're like my second parents." Sam replies as he pulls away from the treaty line, heading to the road to head to the airport.

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