Chapter 21

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I hear my phone go off, making me look at it quickly. I sigh when I see Alice calling me. That was probably her who messaged me. I answer it and walk to the window. "Hello?" I say. "Edward, is she awake? Did you tell her parents about what happened?" She replies. "Yeah I did, Alice. I am also telling them about us. They said that they will want until she wakes up. I'm also trying to answer any other questions they might have." I tell her. "Well, they'll want to meet Carlisle and that means Rosalie being ruder than how she is with Melissa." She explains. "Well, I'll be home when I can Alice. Don't worry about me." I say. "Okay Edward but before she wakes up. She'll make you take her back." She replies. "Will do Alice." I say as I hang up. I look at her parents as I put my phone away again. "That was the one that can see what happens in the future. She is the one who told me to bring her here and how long she will stay here." I tell them. They nod as I look out the window.

Little did I know that there were two unknown vampire's looking at us in the dark part of the woods.

I cross my arms as I look deeper into the woods. "Who are those two in the woods?" I ask them. "Oh goddess, that's Chris and James. They probably smelled you when you crossed into their district. Christian will tell Chris and James about you. They'll leave when they hear that you brought Melissa back here. Hopefully." She tells me. I nod as I look back out the window, watching a vampire with blonde hair and grey eyes walk out with another vampire with black hair and hazel eyes next to him. "Edward, please stay inside. I can explain it to them as to why you're here." Christian tells me. I nod as I watch him walk out. How come I can't hear their thoughts? I can hear my family and everyone else's thoughts but not their thoughts. Maybe their a different kind of vampire. Ones that aren't able to let their thoughts be known.

I watch Christian walk off the porch and up to Chris and James. "Christian, why is there a vampire in the house?" James asks him. "James, that's Edward from Washington. He brought Melissa back. She's hurt and he thought it would be best to bring her here instead of having her there in the hospital." Christian replies. James nods as Chris looks at me. Why is he looking at me like that? "How long does he plan on staying here?" James says. "He's not. He said he was just going to drop her off then leave. He means no harm. Edward didn't know about Louisiana having separate districts. Where he's from, he has something called a treaty line." Christian replies.

James nods as Chris takes a step towards Christian. "What type of vampire is he? And why are his eyes gold?" Chris asks, looking back at Christian. Why are they so interested in us? "He's a vegetarian vampire. His eyes are gold because he drinks from animals. Cougars, mountain lions, deer, those kind of animals." Christian replies. "Very well, Christian. As long as he does not kill any humans here we have no quarrel with any other vampires." James tells him, making Christian nod. "He will leave, James. I do not want to start a war with you and you know that. My family has been here many years. My wife and I stayed even after our son, Marcus, died. Melissa wanted to leave and we let her go live her life elsewhere. You know that. We just want to live a happy life here." Christian replies. James nods as him and Chris speed away from the house.

Christian walks back in and closes the door as I walk out the living room. "Do they drink human blood?" I ask him. Christian looks at me and nods. "Yes, it's how they live." Christian replies. "Alright. Call me if she wakes up. I don't want her to come back until the week is up. If you have to wolfsbane the front of her door and the windows go ahead. Just don't let her leave." I tell him. "We won't, Edward. And thank you for bringing our daughter back to us." Christian replies. I nod as I walk out the house, speeding away when I walk off the steps. She needs to live her life yes, but if she gets hurt in the process then she must stay home.

---Twelve hours later---
Melissa's POV

I groan as I slowly sit up. "What happened?" I mumble. "Honey?" I tense and slowly look up, seeing my Momma and Poppa at the door frame. "Momma? Poppa? How did I get here?" I ask them, looking around to see that I'm in the living room. "Your friend, Edward, brought you back. He told us what happened. Why didn't you bite her and put our deadly venom in her veins?" Poppa replies. "I couldn't, Poppa. She has a mate and he would've died the next day. I didn't want to do that." I say, looking away. "Oh honey, it's alright. We just want you better so you can go back to your mate." Momma replies, making me look at her. "Yes your friend, Edward, told us his maker is your mate." Poppa replies. I nod and get up from the couch slowly. "Oh honey, please be careful. You got some bruises that are still healing." Momma says as she walks up to me.

I look down and look at my torn and cut up dress. "She ruined my dress." I mumble. They chuckle, making me look up. "You're not the least worried that you got hurt but you're worried about your dress?" Poppa asks me. "Poppa, momma got me this dress when I got the job in Washington." I tell him. "Wait, that was the dress? I thought it was a different one." Poppa replies. "No, dearie. It was this one." Momma replies. I giggle as I watch Poppa's face turn red as he rubs the back of his neck.

Little did I know that my mate was snapping at a certain Cullen while the rest if his family was trying to calm him down.

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