Chapter 33

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I raise an eyebrow as I cross my arms. "Rosalie, do you know something about this Marcus?" I ask her. Rosalie looks at me before slowly nodding as everyone looks at her in both shock and confusion. "Marcus was the one that killed Esme when we were in the war with the Volturi for Renesmee to prove that hybrids are not dangerous. Marcus is also her twin brother. The same twin brother that had supposedly gotten into a car crash two years ago. I had kind of forced her to tell me when she chased me into the woods because I didn't understand how the guy who killed Esme looked just like her. It was also the reason why I gave her a hard time when Carlisle had introduced us to her." Rosalie explains as she looks down, rubbing her arm slowly. Emmett rubs her back as my phone goes off. I take my phone out of my pocket, seeing Carlisle calling me. Hopefully he's asking to see how she's doing and not for anything else right now. I think Melissa needs to see him just as much as he needs to see her.

I quickly answer my phone and put it on speaker, everyone looking at my phone. "Everything okay, Carlisle?" I ask him. "How is she? Is she okay? Where is she?" Carlisle replies quickly. "Yes, she is fine. She is just tired and weak, that's all. At least from what we can tell. She's asleep on the couch right now." I tell him. "I'll come straight home right now and check on her. Have Edward or Emmett move her to my bedroom. And if you can, put one of my shirts on her. She must be exhausted right now." Carlisle replies. "Very well. I guess we'll see you when you get here." I say before hanging up the call. "This is a first I have ever seen Carlisle be concerned for someone. He was like this with Esme but not as much as he is with Melissa. What is she that Esme wasn't?" Edward says. I mean, Edward isn't wrong. Carlisle wasn't as caring and worried about Esme the way he is with Melissa. "Well, Melissa is also a human besides being a shapeshifter. So that might be the reason why Carlisle is more worried about Melissa. If you remember reading the books about shapeshifters, they are still human. They just take any animal form they choose." Emmett cuts in, making me nod while looking at Melissa once more. "That is true. Shapeshifters are still human regardless of being able to shift into an animal they choose. And Melissa did say something about wanting him to make her a hybrid when her animal side was in control. But what would that make her if she is also a human?" I say while furrowing my eyebrows, thinking what they would make her if she is a shapeshifter. Wouldn't Melissa technically be a hybrid already because she is a human and a shapeshifter? Or would she just be considered a shapeshifter? "She would be counted as a human. Remember in the book we read. If she was bitten by a vampire, she would be like Renesmee. A shapeshifter as well as a vampire. She would just need to drink animal blood." Danielle says, making us look at Renesmee who was reading a book next to Danielle.

I nod as I put a hand on my chin. "Alright. We still need to read up on that and see if Carlisle knows anything about turning a person who is a shapeshifter into a hybrid. But for right now, I need either Edward or Emmett to carry her up to Carlisle's bedroom and lay her down. Either one, I don't care who. And make sure she looks comfortable. If I go up there and see that she looks uncomfortable in the slightest way, I will make sure one of you hears about it." I say to both of them. Edward and Emmett look at one another before Emmett walks over to me. Emmett bends down and carefully picks Melissa up, making Melissa mumble in her sleep as she hides her face in his shoulder. Melissa sighs in her sleep and grips Emmett's shirt, making Emmett look at me. "Just bring her to her and Carlisle's bedroom. If she doesn't let go, then call me and I'll be up there." I tell Emmett. Emmett nods as he walks out of the living room, making me point a finger at Rosalie. "Since you're forming a bond with her and she is trying to trust you, I need you to go back to her home and see if there's anything she has that is personal to her and bring it here. I'm sure after going through her first heat here around a group of vampires, she'll want to more likely be around something that feels like home." I tell her. Rosalie nods and speeds out of the living room, the rest of us hearing the front door slam behind her. "As for the rest of you, just continue reading on about shapeshifters and what else happens to them. We need to know as much as we can before the Volturi find out about her being around us." I tell them. Jasper, Edward, and Danielle nod while I walk out of the living room, heading up the stairs to check on Melissa and see if Emmett put her in the bed comfortably.

I walk up to Melissa and Carlisle's bedroom door, knocking on it gently. "She wouldn't let go so I had to lay on their bed as well." I hear Emmett say through the door, making me open the door. I walk in and look at him, giggling while smiling at the sight. Melissa literally has his shirt in her grip and she definitely isn't going to let go. "That's fine. Would you mind staying with her until she wakes up? Or at least until Carlisle gets here? I'm sure he's going to get a few things for her on his way home so he might be a while." I ask him. "If it's for Melissa to get better while she sleeps then fine. I don't mind. I'd do anything now to help her out. She's going to be part of us soon so I'll do what I can." Emmett replies. I smile and nod as I walk out of Melissa and Carlisle's bedroom, closing the door behind myself. I walk down the hallway and down the stairs, catching the book that got thrown into the hallway from the living room. "Sorry. I was trying to get it out of Renesmee's hands and didn't watch where I was going and tripped over something." Danielle says as she peaks her head out, her face looking like she's blushing in embarrassment. I giggle and roll my eyes as I hand her the book back, smiling at her. "Just learn to be more careful. Emmett has her sleeping still so he's going to be up there with her for a while. At least until Carlisle gets back and takes over for him because I know Melissa will be sleeping for the rest of the night. She looked pale and felt weak in my arms when I brought her back. When she wakes up, I'll have Rosalie make her something to eat." I tell her. Danielle nods as she takes the book from me, walking into the living room. I walk to the kitchen and grab the book from the counter, opening it and going back to reading where I left off. We're all reading up on shapeshifters so we get an understanding of what she's going through and what she needs. And we also know if we have any questions we can always ask her when she feels better and once she's awake.

Next Day; Melissa's POV
I slowly open my eyes before hiding my face in the pillow. "How do you feel?" I hear a mumbled voice ask. I slowly pick my head up and blink a few times before blushing in embarrassment when I see Emmett is my pillow. I sit up quickly before putting a hand on my head when I feel dizzy. "Take it easy, Mel. You're still feeling weak because you haven't eaten anything. Do you want me to go get Alice?" Emmett asks me. I look at him, cheeks still flushed before slowly nodding my head. Emmett nods and lays me back down, putting the covers over me before getting out of my bed I share with Carlisle. "Um, Emmett? Where's Carlisle?" I ask him. Emmett looks at me before furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm not sure. He was supposed to be here a few hours ago to take over for me. But Alice had a vision that involved him going back to Louisiana to speak to your parents I believe and ask about the bond you two have. I'll get her up here and explain it further to you." Emmett explains to me.

I blink a few times before slowly getting up, making Emmett walk over to my side of the bed. "Melissa, lay back. You're still weak." Emmett says as he puts a hand on my arm, making me slap his hand away from me as I look at him, my eyes slowly turning red. They only get like that when it involves my family and Carlisle since he is now mine. "Emmett, you nor anyone else will understand. I need to go there before Chris and James attack Carlisle for trespassing. They don't know him and see him as a threat. I need to go." I tell him as I start growling. Emmett takes a few steps back as I throw the covers off of me, getting out of bed. I crack my neck and a few other bones in my body before howling. I snap my head towards the window before shifting into my wolf form. I run and jump out the window, ignoring the pieces of glass that are probably in my fur since the window was closed. I shake my fur out, hoping I got most of the glass out before sniffing the air. I snap my head to the left when I catch a scent, knowing it's Carlisle's scent. I turn and run in the direction his scent is coming from, hoping I get there before Chris and James do. I don't want anything to happen to him or my parents.

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