Chapter 8

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I nod as I slide feel my phone vibrate. I ignore it as we continue to walk. "So, how do they look now? Minus the nice pale complexion and golden eyes I assume." I ask. "You saw how Edward looked. Emmett is a bit buff looking with brown hair, looks like a buzz cut. He's a few inches close to my height. Rosalie has wavy golden blonde hair that comes down halfway her back. She is near Emmett's height. Alice has short brown hair and she's close to your height. Jasper has curly blonde hair and is near Emmett's height. Dani is near your height with straight black hair." He explains. I nod as we walk up to his house. I take a deep breath as we walk up his small set of stairs outside.

Little did I know that Rosalie was already behind the door, glaring at me behind the door.

Carlisle opens the door and I see Rosalie looking at me with a hatred look. "Rosalie, this is Melissa Rivera. She is my assistant at the hospital and my true blood singer. Melissa, this is one of my daughters we were talking about, Rosalie." Carlisle says. I smile at her as I wave a bit. "Hello." I say. She scoffs and walks away. I look at Carlisle, making he sigh. "She hasn't been the same since Esme died in a battle we were in. I'll introduce you to everyone else. They're in the living room." Carlisle tells me. I nod as he takes me to the living room. We walk in and I see Alice and Dani at the couch, gossiping over a magazine in Alice's hands, Jasper and Emmett playing on I assume Emmett's Xbox, Edward reading a book to what appears to be a child. I think she's a hybrid. "Hello again Melissa. And yes, she is a hybrid. Her name is Renesmee. She is Dani and I's daughter." Edward says as he looks up. "Okay you need to stop doing that." I tell him. He chuckles and nods. "Let me guess. Alice is the one with the magazine in her hands. You're Dani, mother of Renesmee from what I now know. Jasper is the one at the far end of the couch, and you're Emmett." I say, pointing to each one. "Yes we are. And who might you be?" Dani asks, giving me a weary look. "I do apologize. My name is Melissa Rivera. I'm Carlisle's true blood singer and his girlfriend." I say, smiling a bit. "Since you know who I am, we're going to be the best of friends. And of course I will pack your clothes." Alice says, squealing.

I chuckle and smile at her. "Well, do you know who were married to if you know us?" Emmett asks me. "I know Edward is married to Dani. You're probably married to Rosalie and Alice is obviously married to Jasper." I say, as if it's obvious. "How did you get that right on the first try?" Emmett asks me, making me shrug. "Rosalie and Jasper look like twins so it would be weird for them to be married." I say. Alice giggles while I watch Dani's eyes turn black. "She smells so..... Good. Her blood... I just want a taste." Dani says as she gets up. "Dani, we discussed this." Carlisle replies as he moves me behind him.

Alice speeds in front of me and grabs my stuff. "I'll put this in his room and get a bed from the attic. Emmett will help Carlisle if anything." She tells me. I nod as I watch her speed up the stairs. I look back at Dani as I grip Carlisle's shirt. "I just want one taste of her. That's it. Come on let me have a little taste of her blood." She says, taking a step towards me. I could shift into a bird and fly my way to his room. But then my clothes would slide off of me. "It won't help, Melissa. She was a bird catcher before she was left for dead in the woods." Edward tells me. I watch her take another step, making me whimper. "Danielle, control it. You know the Volturi will kill you if you decide to drink from a human." Carlisle tells her, making her growl. "I want to drink her blood! Give her to me!" She yells as she runs to me. I gasp before screaming as Carlisle throws me away from him. I get thrown out the window, quickly covering my face so the glass doesn't get on my face. I land in the dirt with a thud before rolling a few feet away from the house.

I slowly sit up and groan in pain before watching Alice speed up to me. "Are you okay?" She asks me in a high voice. "Holding your breath?" I ask her. She looks at me and nods. "I'm fine. Just get the glass out. I'll start healing once it's out." I tell her as I start taking the glass shards out. Alice slowly helps me as Emmett speeds up to us, bending down while looking at Alice. "Carlisle is holding Dani back and Edward is holding Jasper back. Dani made Jasper go off as well so they need your help with Jasper. I'll help Melissa." Emmett tells her. She nods and speeds away from us. Emmett helps me take the glass shards out of my arms. Fuck why does this hurt more than it should? "Anywhere else?" He asks me. I shake my head as he helps me up. "How's Carlisle?" I ask him, feeling guilty. I made them go crazy. Especially Jasper. He seems like a quiet vampire and looks like he never goes off like that. "He's fine. He's trying to make Dani calm down. She's new to being a vampire so it's taking time for her to know what to drink and not to give into the crave." Emmett replies. I nod as we walk back to the house. "Alice said that she's having someone come to fix the window tomorrow so don't feel bad." Emmett tells me. I nod as we walk back up the stairs.

Little do I know that Carlisle was fighting a blood thirsty Danielle next to Edward trying not to kill his adopted brother, Jasper.

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