Chapter 30

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I walk to our dresser and slide my clothes off, blushing when I hear Carlisle growl seductively. I grab one of his shirts and put them on before taking my bra of under is shirt. I pick my clothes up and walk to the hamper, putting my clothes in the hamper. I walk over to the bed and watch Carlisle walk to the closet. I blush and bite my lip when he takes his jacket and shirt off, hearing him chuckle. I know he can hear my heartbeat. I can feel my heart pounding away in my chest. I regretfully look away -not like I wanted to or else I would've jumped his bones right then and there- before grabbing the book he put on the bed. I sit back in my spot and open the book, looking at the first page where it has the index. I tilt my head as I read every chapter in the book before feeling the bed dip next to me. I look at Carlisle and watch him get under the covers, smiling at me. I blush and smile back before moving closer to him when he puts his arm up.

I cuddle into his side while handing him the book, making him smile at me and take the book from my hand. I blush before nuzzling myself further into his chest, making him chuckle and wrap his arm around me, keeping his hand on my waist. "Do you still want me to read the book to you or are you tired?" Carlisle asks me, making me look up at him. "Yeah, I'm just getting comfortable, dear." I tell him, making him nod. Carlisle opens the book with one hand as he looks at the page, making me smile and nuzzle myself closer to him if it was possible.

Few Weeks later; Monday, June 9, 2015

I yawn as I slowly open my eyes, sitting up. "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" I hear Carlisle ask me as I look at him tiredly. "I slept okay. Not sure why. I always sleep soundly in your arms." I say as I tilt my head in confusion. Carlisle chuckles and rubs my back as I stretch, hearing my bones pop. I drop my arms before sniffing the air, tensing and gripping the blanket. No. Oh please dont tell me it's today. "What's the matter, love? You seem tense right now." Carlisle asks me. I grab my phone and unlock it, looking at today's date before paling. "Oh fuck me. Why now?" I ask myself while groaning. I hear someone knocking on the door, making me snap my head over to it. "Come in." Carlisle calls out, the door opening to reveal Edward and Alice. "Carlisle, I would tell you what's going on, but knowing Melissa, she is just in shock as Alice and I are. So, I think it would be best for her to take off of work for a week while staying at her house by herself." Edward says as Alice walks over to me, helping me pick out an outfit. She picks out a cute shirt and jeans with a pair of Converse before handing them to me. "I don't understand. What's going on with Melissa? Is she ill?" Carlisle asks Edward, making me cover my mouth to hold back a whine. "Alice, take her to her house. I'll be there as quick as I can to help you restrain her." Edward tells Alice quickly. "I still don't understand what you're doing. What is Melissa going through, Edward?" Carlisle asks him as he looks at me worriedly. "Edward, just tell him. If I even say his name, or hear him say mine one more time, I'm going to jump on him." I tell Edward while whining again, dropping my head on Alice's shoulder. "Alright just leave the room with Alice right now before you let your animal side take control." Edward replies as Alice helps me stand up right before ushering me out of our bedroom.

Alice brings me to the bathroom before helping me change into my clothes. I put my hair in a messy bun before Alice ushers me out the bathroom and down the stairs. I whine when I hear Carlisle call my name out from our bedroom. "What's wrong with her?" I hear someone ask Alice. "She's going into heat and she needs to be away from Carlisle for a week. If she doesn't then she'll get bitten by him before they're married. And I know she doesn't want that which is why when I take her back to her house, I'm going to try to chain her up. Edward might need to help but I'm not sure. I'm trying to get her there as quick as I can before her animal side kicks in. And even that is easier said than done." Alice explains to them as I drop my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. "Alice, you might want to just pick me up and run me to my home. I can't hold my wolf back anymore." I tell her as I whine again when I hear a loud thud coming from our room. "Alright. Just hang tight." Alice says as she picks me up. I wrap an arm around her neck, keeping my face in her shoulder as I feel her running out a nearby open window and to my house.

"Melissa, we're here." I hear Alice say as I slowly pick my head up. Alice sets me down before we walk into my home. I walk straight to the basement door, opening it before walking in. I chose this house because I can make the basement my isolation room in case I found my mate and went into heat while I was with them. I walk down the stairs fully before walking to the gym bag, opening it. "Alice. Take this. I can't touch it because it's wolfsbane. I need you to put the wolfsbane in the water bottle and shake it before giving it to me. It'll weaken my animal side a bit and make it easier for you to-" I start to explain to her before groaning and falling on my knees. I put my hands on my head and close my eyes, groaning loudly as I feel my animal side fighting back. "Melissa, here. Open your eyes and look at me." Alice says, making me open my eyes and stare at her with bright yellow eyes. I watch Alice walk over to me before putting a hand on my chin. "Don't fight back, Melissa. Help me out just a bit more." Alice says, making my animal side start growling at her. She goes to bring the water bottle to my mouth before I black out, my wolf taking control.

Alice's POV

I grunt when I get tackled before hearing her roar at me. I grab her and throw her off of me, making sure not to hurt her. I don't want to hurt Melissa. It's still Melissa in there. I just have to wait until Edward gets here. I get up and dodge her before grabbing her and pinning her to the ground. "Melissa please. I don't want to hurt you. You need to stop and take control." I tell her as I plead, staring into her yellow eyes. She roars at me and tries to get out of my hold while hearing someone walk down the stairs. I look over my shoulder, sighing when I see Edward run over to me. "Her wolf just took control. I can't hold her back." I tell him. "It's fine. I just need to put the chain around her neck and wrists. Then we bring her to the wall. Just keep her still as best as you can." Edward tells me. I nod as I look down at Melissa, hoping she can fight this and try to get control of her body.

Hey everyone! Tysm for waiting for me to update! With work and COVID still, I haven't had the time to update any of my books. But I will definitely make it a priority to update all of my books as much as I can. Again tysm for waiting and enjoy! Don't forget to like, comment, share, or follow for more of my amazing books! Later~!!!

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