Chapter 41

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🛑In this chapter self harm as well as panic attack is mentioned. If you are sensitive to this topic you are advised on skipping this chapter or just skipping said scene🛑

Both Izuku and Uraraka turned to the direction the voice came from and immediately starting trembling. There, by the entrance that lead to the roof, stood Bakugou, with an expression that the boy thought he would never see him. As panicked as he was, he launched himself toward the girl and took hold of her, pulling her away from were she was standing.

Suprised, she yelped and started struggling in his grasp to be let free. Seeing that his friends was made to feel uncomfortable, Midoriya went and tried to help her, pulling off of her his childhood friend hands. "Bakugou, let me go! What's wrong with you!" screamed the girl upset at the boy. "Not happening round face! You are coming with me back to the room. I ain't letting you do it you hear me! I won't take another friend of mine dying!". "What are you even talking about!" she complained but didn't get an answer. She got pulled harsher and seeing as she had no other choice than to comply, she went on with him.

"What's his problem" she heard Izuku growl behind her, but she could only sent an apologetic look to his direction. He looked back at her sadly before following close behind the two of them, keeping a close eye of Bakugou in the meantime. The kept on going like that, until they had arrived outside the room. Bakugou relaxed a bit and let go of the girl, who immediately shot back, some feet away from him. "Are you alright Ochako?" asked Midoriya worried.

She nodded, but kept glaring dangers at Bakugou who was looking at her with no regret whatsoever of his actions. "Why would you do that!? Are you insane!?" she shouted at him. "Tch, yeah, whatever you say. Now, get in you extra. You have some explaining to do". She looked at him strangely and kind of confused as to what he meant. That was until she noticed her friend slowly backing away that an idea of what this was about struck her. 'THEY KNOW!?'. She was kind of relieved that she hadn't shouted that out loud, because this would have definitely given her away if they hadn't been discovered already. "No no no, Shinso, Aizawa, they couldn't have told them, they couldn't have done that" the green haired boy whispered to himself as he started to hug himself with his hands.

"W-what, explaining d-do y-you mean B-bakugou. I d-dont have a-anything to h-hide". "Why did you stater!?" she heard Izuku scroll her from behind, and she couldn't help but curse herself for what she had done. "Yeah, right. Now, get in!". Uraraka hung her head low and did as the explosive teen told her to do. She went through the door she had some time ago burst out from, only to her surprise, to find everyone awake.

"Uraraka!" she heard Iida call for her and before she even had the time to turn toward his direction, she found herself enveloped in a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she heard him sob into her shoulder as she watched him confused. "I-Iida? What are you apologizing for?". He sniffed as he raised his head a little, just enough so she could look to his face. "I am an awful friend, I should have know, I shouldn't have just disappeared". "What do you mean!? You are a great friend! What's all of this about?".

"So, you are telling us that you don't know?" asked Todoroki, looking more serious than ever. Without wasting any time, she shook her head, signaling to them that she knew nothing about the situation. "That's just weak excuses! I found you on the roof after all!". There was a pause inside the room, as everything seemed to fall silent. Everyone breath hitched as they stared at the girl with terror filled eyes. "W-where did you-" asked Shinso quietly, too shocked to comprehend anything.

"Why us it such a big deal!? I don't get it, what is wrong with that!?". "Ochako Uraraka" came the sleepy and harsh voice of her teacher. All this time, Aizawa had chosen to remain silent, which really wasn't anything out of normal, but the fact that he had actually decided to enter the conversation scared her. He stood up from his bed and started slowly limping toward her. Iida moved to the side and sat along with Todoroki who tried to stop his continues tears.

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