Fandroki - perfect

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Hogun and Lady sif were fighting each other in the arena while Thor sat on a bench there, watching them both "interested in watching than fighting?" Thor turned his head to the sound of his brother, who hesitantly took a seat beside him.
"Loki! I thought you were at the library. What brought you here?" Thor asked with a funny tone.

"I too, will get bored if i kept reading you oaf. I wanted to see how interesting this training of yours is" He said with a bit of mockery. They both turned their attention to the sound of a sword hitting the ground. Hogun was now lying on the ground with his arms over his head, while sif had her foot on his sword and her sword was pointing towards Hogun's throat.

"The great Lady sif wins again for the 3rd time." Fandral said with an unexcited tone."Fandral my friend! Since when have you been here?" said a confused Thor. "I came when prince Loki had arrived" said fandral without taking his eyes off the younger prince, taking a seat beside Thor as well. Loki looked away from Fandral with a light shade of crimson crossing his cheeks.

Thor was glancing between them with a sly grin on his face, causing his brother to get uncomfortable. "i-i better leave to my chambers now, see you at dinner brother... Fandral.." and he left at the speed of lightning. "I'm pretty sure he likes you too Fandral. When are you planning to tell him?" said Thor with excitement in his tone.

"you do know the all-father won't support queer in Asgard Thor. And how do you expect him, a prince to like me?"
Fandral's words were hardly heard as he was looking somewhere else absentmindedly.
Thor let out a sigh as he patted the warriors back. "you can try telling him my friend. Trust me, he asks about you everyday i return from training" Thor said with a gentle smile and waked away for his turn in fighting."Loki asks about me?" Fandral though as a blush crept across his face.


"he was looking at me! Oh my Odin! How am i supposed to live without thinking about him?"
Loki was sitting in his bed with an open book next to him. He suddenly heard a knock at his door. "who's there?" asked a little nervous Loki. "It is i, Fandral my prince. Can i come in?" Fandral? FANDRAL!? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE? "c-come in" was all loki can manage to say. Fandral peeked in before entering the room and closing the door behind him.

"Fandral my friend, for what do i owe the pleasure?" what the helheim Loki? Can't you think of anything better? "as your friend from childhood, i do care about you. You know that, yes?" Fandral asked with concern in his eyes as he took a seat on the bed right next to Loki."yes"
Loki could only say that while being lost in Fandral's eyes.

"You've been acting strange lately. Mind telling me what's bothering you my prince? " Fandral asked with his hand caressing Loki's cheek which was turning crimson. "I may help if i can". Help him? Dude! You made him like that.

"I-i well.. There's this..person, i really like. I can't stop thinking about t-them." Loki told the truth? How strange. "may i know what this 'person' looks like?" Fandral asked with a bit of hope and jealousy, hands going down from Loki's cheek to his shoulder. "you really want to know?" asked Loki trying his best not to look at Fandral's eyes and failing ultimately. "yes please?" Fandral asked praying to the norns for this 'person' to be him.

"well... He has golden, shiny hair which glows beautifully in the moonlight. His eyes are'll be lost if you stare at
them. And his smile... He's perfect" Loki couldn't help but blush, thinking of this person's smile. "He?" it's a miracle Fandral managed to ask that without smashing anything into two. Loki just realized that he stated their pronoun and cursed himself for that.

"y-yes. It is a man". Great. He hung his head with shame and fear, afraid that Fandral would judge him."hey" Fandral placed his hand under Loki's chin making him look at his eyes. "never be afraid of who you are. W-well i'm bi and I never cared about anyone saying that i should change. I won't judge you if you're gay. No one will and i won't let them. It's just... I'm curious who this guy is" DID HE JUST CAME OUT TO HIS CRUSH?
Sweet Valhalla..."you're into men too?" asked Loki very much hopeful as his crush is okay with him being gay. "not 'men'. I'm in love with a god" said a blushing Fandral. Now it was Loki who's jealous. "so who is this God of yours?" asked Loki trying to remain calm. "first tell me who your crush is" said fandral winking at loki. "let's say it together, yes?" Loki asked with his signature mischievous smirk.

"it's you!" they both said it together and turned their heads away as fast as they could. It took a while for both of them to realize what the other has just said. "m-me?" asked Fandral with his face red like a tomato. "yes" Loki said looking at Fandral with amusement. He suddenly felt warm. FANDRAL WAS HUGGING HIM!! he pulled away slowly looking into Loki's eyes "so... you think I'm perfect?" asked Fandral cupping Loki's face pulling him closer. "of course you are! You're mine aren't you?" saying that Loki leaned in to his embrace...

Thor was a proud fanboy celebrating that his ship has sailed. (with some warnings to Fandral of course )

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