Lokius - apocalypse

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WARNING: heavy spoilers for Loki episode 2

"Hence, the variant could be hiding in any apocalypse and we wouldn't know!" Loki finally finished as he set the salt and pepper shakers on the table. "so you're suggesting that we go to the time when Ragnarok occurs?" mobius asked with his eyes focused on the salad-of-apocalypse. "no, what I'm saying is, that we can test it first by changing somethings in a timeline that's about to face an apocalypse" Loki went to pick up the shaker when mobius caught his hand halfway. "betraying the rules of TVA?. This might even lead us to delete you from the reality you know that? And i certainly don't wanna do something like that. So leave this idea right now and buy me another salad maybe?" mobius told him as Loki gaped in confusion. "what could possibly go wrong? You can trust me, moby" said Loki noticing the new nickname he just made. "Loki I've studied almost every moment of your entire life, you've literally stabbed people in the back, like 50 times!" now it was mobius who's confused. Dosen't Loki know that mobius already trust him?. "I'll never do it again if you say so!" Loki did his signature hands in the air pose. "if i say so?" mobius asked.
"well i can't really betray you if that'll cause me to be deleted from reality" he lied. He's the God of lies after all. How can he accept his so-little-crush to the agent. "so were going there!" exclaimed loki. Mobius let out a sigh as he said "fine but keep it low-key" he attempted a wink which failed and caused Loki to chuckle and blush (a little lol). "alright". Loki smiled and stared at the agent for a moment before getting up and started to walk. "hey! What about my lunch?" mobius asked the god. "the break is over moby" Was the reply which caused him to let out a sigh. "pussycat" mobius thought as a grin and a light blush covered his face.

Time skip~

"were from the future! Hey we're from the future right mobes? Is the TVA's timeline considered as future for these people?" Loki yelled standing at the top of the cart. Mobius just turned his face in embarrassment as he heard a big sound. The volcano was erupting as they expected. "Yes! Nothing matters! Nothing has any consequences!" Loki yelled like a madman while mobius checked his device. No variance detected. woah! "Loki! Get over here!" he exclaimed as the God said it himself. " zero variance and nexus is it?" he asked with a bit (okay a lot of) excitement."yes! This alone is enough for us to catch that variant" said mobius. "i knew it!" The same hands in the air pose.

At TVA(^ω^)

"so what next? Finish this fast as possible and reset me?" Loki asked trying to sound casual.
"yeah about that..." mobius let that sentence unfinished as he looked up at loki from the table. "I thought that you can really...be useful here Y'know? You're smart, and that's what most of the people here isn't." mobius attempted a chuckle as he finished. "i don't want to go back"
Loki stated staring at the table.
"Loki?" mobius called him as he placed his hands on Loki's. He looked up like "what?".
"would you mind if i tell you something?" asked mobius with a slight smirk. "go on" loki said.
"i really miss that guy from the elevator. Y'know, that guy who don't like to talk much" mobius said. "dosen't mean any disrespect, but you make... A nice partner." Loki now can't control his blush. "uhm.. Thanks" was all that can escape from his mouth.
"and I don't want that partner only in work." mobius finally made his point while looking at his hands tangled in the God's.
"y-you mean like?" Loki asked with a confused face as he gestured between them. "yes, Loki laufeyson. I like you" mobius confessed with his face red as a tomato. Loki can now do nothing but hold onto his lover's hands tightly, hoping it will give him the answer, which did as he expected.

OMG I've had this idea in my head since the salad thing happened.
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