frostmaster - new home

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Let's just forget big brother Thor in this one lol

It's been three weeks since Loki landed on Sakaar. However the grandmaster's guards have found him and brought him to the ruler of sakaar. Being the charming God he is, he gained the grandmaster's favor slowly.

But something told him to just stay here and never return to Asgard. How can he just forget about his brother? And his people. Yes, the people who hated him for being a frost giant. The people who seemed disgusted about the fact of him being attracted to men. The people who suggested the all-father to execute him for the crimes he committed on Midgard.

"perhaps it's better if i stay here" he thought as he sat at the balcony of his chambers, sipping the wine he held in his right hand. "hey you okay lokes?" asked a familiar voice from the other end of his chamber. He turned his head to see the grandmaster. The only person he knows in this strange...planet. "yeah I'm fine. What's the new found concern?" he asked with a bit of mockeryin his tone as he stood up. The grandmaster slowly closed the door behind him after he entered the room.

"just wanted to uh, check on you.
I um, didn't see you at lunch today. You okay Loki?" En asked with concern in his eyes. "thanks for your concern Grandmaster. Yes, I'm fine" Loki replied trying to hide the confusion with a smile. The grandmaster isn't really a caring type of person. Weird. "so um, you free tonight?" this question from En made loki confused and scared at the same time, yet kinda nervous. "it's just um, can we go out for uh, a dinner at one of my places? Only if you're free of course" Loki swore he didn't know how to answer this question from En. "yeah i got nothing to do tonight"
Stupid. He does want to go with En, but dosen't at the same time. What if he messes things up? And why does En seems so nervous?, like he's never saw him like that. He has to admit, he does have slight feelings for this ruler. But he feared it'll grow out of his control and become something more. He didn't want to get hurt in the name of love.


"Yo! Loki? You listening?" En's voice snapped him back to reality. "yeah it's um.. Yeah, I'm free tonight" Loki managed to spill these words out with a smile. Not a forced one, but a eager one. "great! I'll come back at 7. Be ready" En took Loki's hand in his own and kissed his knuckles gently before leaving and shutting the door behind him. "sweet Valhalla, I'll be lucky if i don't mess this up" Loki thought to himself.

Time skip to 7 UWU

"does this look good?" Loki changed his outfit for the third time until he was pleased with his look.

"norns these clothes are weird" he said to himself as he was finished with his cape. There was a knock on his door. He inhaled deeply before turning and walking towards it. He opened it to reveal an extremely nervous Grandmaster. Truth to be told, Loki really was nervous then he ever were. "wow you uh, man you look stunning! um, Ready to go?" the grandmaster offered his hand to Loki which he gladly took, as they began to walk towards one of En's ships.

"your planet does have some beautiful places Grandmaster" loki was the one who began to speak. "Oh please, call me En. And yes, these places are worth the view" the grandmaster spoke as he handed Loki a drink. "so, you don't have any uh, lovers do you? Just asking 'cause you agreed to go with me after some hesitation" En asked as he internally was freaking out for the answer. "not at the moment" Loki casually told as he sipped the green drink in his glass. "ooohh! I thought you were uh, hooked up with someone for how um, Incredibly attractive you are" he said as he was blushing a bit, with relief that Loki's not with someone. "thanks" Loki said blushing as well.

Hopefully, this can be his new home.

Awe! I just love these two
Finally created an one shot with this ship. ~(^з^)-♡

LMAO why 😂😂 plus it's sad in way too :')

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