My Wingless Fairy

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Eli x Aesop

Fairy AU


The world is a place filled with mysteries and wonders just waiting to be discovered. Among these many secrets, there was a kingdom hidden deep in the enchanted woods. It was inhabited by small hand-sized beings with crystal wings on their backs. They came in all shapes and lengths, no two were alike and they were part of the identity of these people, the fairies.

Eli Clark was also one of these winged people. However, unlike his fellows, he did not have a pair of transparent wings. Normally, they grew when the fairy reached adulthood, but in his case, it was already his twenty-first year without wings. This anomaly caused him to be mocked by everyone and disowned by his own family. Why didn't he grow wings? Why was he different from everyone else?

Every day, he spent his days watching his friends twirling in the sky and the foliage of the trees, having dates on the big sunflowers while sunbathing... All this was forbidden to him. Only because he could not fly. So one day, he decided to leave. It was unusual for a fairy to leave the kingdom, but it was not unheard of either. Anyway, he was not sure if anyone would be saddened by his departure.

Thus, the young wingless fairy packed his bags, a simple bag on his back, and began his long journey in the hope of finding someone like him, without wings. 

The beginning of his journey was quite arduous between the huge hairy beasts and the days of heavy rain that forced him to take shelter under leaves to avoid being soaked to the bone. Finally, he quickly got used to his new living conditions and liked it even more than the way he had lived until now. There was no one to restrict him or tell him what to do, he was free to make his own choices and spend his time. Nevertheless, despite all the joys that freedom could bring him, he was still alone.

Until one day... he found a small house lost in a field of flowers. It looked a bit like the ones in his kingdom, so it was likely that a fairy lived there. He cautiously approached the door and knocked twice, and a third time, but no answer. Perhaps the inhabitant was not home at the moment? He looked around a bit in search of a life presence and then noticed footprints on the soil.

Without thinking about the possible danger, Eli started to follow the tracks. He didn't walk for long before he reached a stream, where he saw a figure sitting on a rock. He took a step forward, the figure in front of him brightening and taking his breath away. It was indeed a fairy as he saw the sun reflected on the fine crystal behind his back. Dressed in white and yellow to match the yellow roses growing on his side, the fairy was dipping his feet in the water.

The brown fairy gulped down his saliva before smiling and coming closer to the other one. How many days had it been since he had seen another of his kind? At the time, it was almost as if he had forgotten how to socialize. The yellow fairy suddenly looked up as he heard someone approaching and then set his gray eyes on his clandestine guest dressed in blue with a strange leafy blindfold over his eyes.

"Um... Hello?"


That was pretty awkward. The gray-haired fairy didn't seem to be the talkative type. 

"My name is Eli, I am from the kingdom of Oletus."

The fairy watched him for a moment, enough for the brunet to notice that the latter was wearing a mask hiding the lower half of his face. After a moment, he jumped off the rock and walked towards the one with the blindfold. A detail suddenly struck the brown fairy when the other approached, in his back, was not two, but a single wing. A broken piece of crystal could be seen sticking out slightly behind him, cracks scattered all over the broken wing.

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