Sweet Cookie

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Eli x Aesop

Sequel of "Wrong Drink"


It had been a few months since the seer and the embalmer had declared their feelings for each other and announced their relationship to the rest of the manor. Most of the residents congratulated them and only a minority seemed to object to the idea of two men being in that kind of relationship. All this to say that everything was going well in the best of all possible worlds for the young couple.

Well, almost everything was going well. One thing that was often noticed between the two males was probably Aesop's introversion and Eli's extroverted personality. It was a way for them to complement each other and make up for their flaws, but there was always a problem. The young embalmer had little confidence in himself and often expressed doubts about the affection he received from the diviner.

It wasn't that he questioned the fact that he loved him, at least not entirely, but the lack of contact with the outside world for much of his youth made it difficult for him to express his feelings and accept that Eli truly loved him for who he was. Still, the brown-haired man was understanding by nature and always reassured the embalmer about it.

Unfortunately, he felt like he was taking two steps backwards when he was taking one forward. Aesop still seemed so stressed about their relationship and Eli was running out of ideas to convince the gray-eyed one. So, one night, he decided to go to the basement of the manor. The place had been taken over by the barmaid who transformed the area into a wine cellar as well as a bar.

Drinking was not really in his habits but once in a while would probably not hurt him and could even revive his spirit and give him other ways to court his boyfriend. Even if it sounded a little ridiculous that he was doing this for someone he had already established a relationship with.

But whatever, when he went down the stairs to the underground bar, he was greeted by the dim light of the place, giving it a calm and chic atmosphere, a phonograph was playing jazz in the background and there were few people besides Demi Bourbon, the barmaid. He spotted the priestess sitting at the counter and went to sit on the seat next to her after she waved to him when she saw him coming.

"It's rare to see you here!" the young woman exclaimed.

"Right, I felt like having a change of scenery."

The seer asked the barmaid for a simple, not too alcoholic cocktail before turning a little more towards Fiona once his drink arrived.

"Tell me everything! How are things going with dear Aesop?"

"Oh, um... How can I put this..."

The priestess raised an eyebrow at her friend's hesitation. The latter's insistent gaze was becoming quite disturbing and Eli felt he had to tell her about his problem. After all, she was sort of the reason he and the embalmer were where they were today. Maybe she would have a trick up her sleeve to help him.

"Hmm, I see the problem... As well as the solution that goes with it!"


"Yes! Come to my room tomorrow afternoon so I can give it to you!"


Just after announcing this, the young woman got up from her seat and stormed off towards the upper floor. He doubted that she would prepare something dangerous, but he wondered what she might be up to.

He finished his drink quietly and returned to his room. That night, his curiosity had still not disappeared and persisted, making him go to bed later than expected. Aesop came to wake him up for the umpteenth time this morning. Since they were officially a couple, he insisted on trying to share as many moments together as possible, no matter how trivial it might be.

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