Castaway and bathtub

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Sailor Luca x Siren Aesop

Fantasy AU


The wind blew lightly, swinging his brown locks and bringing the salty smell of the sea to his nostrils. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, causing their erosion, was an incredible phenomenon and relaxed his mind. On the blond sandy beach, a young man was leaving his footprints in the soil, walking quietly close to the water without getting too close so as not to get wet.

He was dressed in a sailor's uniform and was singing a cheerful tune at the top of his lungs. The sun was shining high in the sky and it was a wonderful day despite the horrible storm that had occurred the day before. He was supposed to leave on a boat with the rest of the crew that day, but unfortunately the storm kept them in the harbor. This last one had undergone quite a lot of damage as a result and it would take a few days or even weeks to repair them and let the anchored boats leave.

All this to say that the young sailor was on vacation until the repairs were completed. What more could he ask for? So, to make the most of his free time, he decided to take a stroll by the sea. He'd spent his life on the oceans but never really had the opportunity to observe the shells that the waves brought in, the crabs that roamed on the sand and then the half-fish men passed out on the shore...

Wait a second, half-fish man?

"What the..."

Not far from him, about a few feet in front, was the figure of a person with a fish tail. The latter was lying on the fine sand and was not moving an inch. A corpse? No, he could see his chest rising and falling slightly. Damn, he read in the books that mermaids can't live out of the water, so he was going to die if he didn't move him!

Without taking the time to think any further, the sailor rushed to the merman and lifted him with his arms. Surprisingly, the fish man was lighter than one would think, he thought that his imposing tail would weigh quite a bit but it was not the case. His gaze then went to the face of the unconscious man, he had fine features and a slightly effeminate face, it was almost as if he did not wonder for a moment if it was a woman.

His gray hair were damp and beads of water were all over his body. This merman was breathtakingly beautiful. But anyway, it wasn't the moment to be subjugated by his appearance! It was necessary to take him elsewhere and on the spot! He tightened his grip slightly under the body of the young man and hurried to his home.

After about fifteen minutes, he finally arrived in front of his house, a sort of large shack lost in the forest. He opened the door by kicking it open with his boot and went to his bathroom. He put the fish man in the bathtub and immediately turned on the water. Once all this was done, he dropped down to the floor and let out a heavy sigh.

He wasn't heavy, but carrying him here still took some effort. He placed his hat on the edge of the sink and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Suddenly, he noticed movement in front of him, the merman was waking up. He cut the water which had arrived until the middle of his torso and crossed his arms on the edge of the bathtub, his eyes fixed on the figure of the siren.

Softly, the eyelashes of the young man fluttered, revealing two gray orbs. For a moment, the man's gaze seemed to be lost somewhere, then he turned his head sharply towards the brunet, sensing someone watching him. He then felt the panic rise in him quickly, where was he and how did he get there? Who was this man in front of him and did he want to hurt him? He heard many times from his peers that those with these things called legs wanted to hurt them.

"Ah, I mean you no harm!" exclaimed the sailor when he saw the agitated mermaid.

"Who are you...?"

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