My not so holy seer

462 15 6

Lunar Phase Eli x Music Master Aesop

Historical AU



The sapphire embellishing his golden ornaments seemed to shine brightly in the moonlight. The silk of his garments was pristine white, a reminder of the purity and wisdom of his person. Ah, his very existence was simply exquisitely beautiful, like a miracle. Well, that wasn't too far from the truth.

His holiness. No one had the right to pronounce his name since no one was equal to his divinity. It was said that whoever received his blessing never got sick again and met with fame and riches. Everyone wanted him. Everyone worshipped him.

So seeing him at a banquet hosted by a very famous nobleman seemed like a perfect opportunity. He was accompanied by several priests and some guards wearing the insignia of the Church on their breastplate. His veil fluttered slightly behind him in a graceful gesture, an illusory dream.

In the hall, near the large glass windows leading to the balcony, was a marble platform on which stood a white piano of the finest quality. From the velvet bench rose a young man, his posture was upright and elegant as he stepped down from his stage to meet the prophet walking towards him.

He wore a pale blue-green suit with embroidered flowers and ruffles at the end of his sleeves. A white jabot decorated his neck and a ribbon of the same colour held his silver hair in place. When the saint was only at arm's length, he knelt before him in a refined manner, one hand on his chest and the other gently grasping the hand that was extended to him.

"Your Holiness."

Their gloved hands touched briefly and he brought his lips to the back of his, stopping within an inch of it, as etiquette demanded. Then he released it and stood up, bowing once more to the divine presence that was granting him a portion of his time. The prophet then gave the pianist a gentle smile.

"I have never heard such a harmonious melody until now."

"You... flatter me."

The seer chuckled softly before resuming, his face suddenly bending close to the young man's ear.

"It is the truth though." he murmured.

The saint then stepped back as a fiery blush came to colour the grey-eyed one's cheeks, the ethereal being's sincerity was simply too much for his poor heart to bear. The gaze of the other nobles on them was already putting a lot of pressure on the male's shoulders.

Seeming to notice, the prophet opened his mouth to speak again.

"Why don't you share with me the process of creating such music in a quieter place?"

"A-All right..." he replied in a weak voice.

At this answer, the white-clad man raised one of his hands, a servant immediately coming to meet him and thus leading the two men to a vacant room in the mansion. The suite was one of the most luxurious and as he crossed the threshold he signalled his guards to wait outside, closing the door after the pianist had entered.

"Wouldn't it be better if at least one of them stayed with you?" he then questioned.

"I thought it would have been more pleasant for you, was I wrong?"

"N-No... I appreciate the gesture."

After confirming that he was comfortable like this, the seer suggested that he take a seat on the sofa next to him for a more pleasant chat. The pianist nodded and sat down on the soft material at a reasonable distance from the other. He never thought he could be so close to the figure worshipped by the whole kingdom.

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