My Omega's Makeup

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Eli x Aesop

Modern Omegaverse AU

Tw: Mentions of rape & stalking, implied mpreg


Alpha, beta, omega...

A second identity that could change the course of a person's life whether they wanted it or not. The alphas were at the top of this new hierarchy followed by the betas, while the omegas were only at the lowest possible level of this chain, being stepped on by the others to satisfy their carnal pleasures.

Aesop Carl was part of this lower class too. However, that didn't stop him from realizing his dream of shooting videos of himself doing his makeup or talking about it. His popularity rose quickly and his name became quite popular, so well known that it was not strange that someone would recognize him when he went for a walk.

Only, his success was also his downfall. He was too much admired. It all started with letters, it wasn't unusual for him to get letters from his fans, but these... were different. Messages saying "I love you" or "I see you" were sent to him, each letter being a cut-out picture of his face. He ignored the first ones but they were getting more and more numerous as time went on.

He eventually went to the police to report his problem, but they didn't seem very enthusiastic and simply told him that they would send someone to investigate further. This never happened, which might have saved him from the miserable situation he was now in.

After a month, the letters stopped but another more disturbing one arrived in his mailbox, this one saying that the stalker was coming directly for him. That day, the gray-eyed male didn't step outside, completely stunned by fear. He spent the whole day at home and only went out once the day changed, unfortunately, it was a mistake.

The moment he stepped outside, someone covered his mouth with his hand and dragged him into a dark alley with two strong arms. What happened next was a horror that would scar the young man for life. Then in all the commotion, he had a daughter whom he named Anne. He could have gotten rid of her the moment he felt changes in his body, but he did not.

He sincerely believed that the child had done nothing and he loved the girl from the bottom of his heart. Several years passed after this incident and Aesop had never stopped making videos despite everything. He had managed to hide his pregnancy so it's not as if his standing had changed since then. Nevertheless, when he went out now, he didn't wear makeup, didn't pay attention to his appearance...

He did the best he could to look undesirable, even if it sometimes earned him a nasty look from some passers-by. But he didn't care. All that mattered to him now was his daughter and the money he was making by shooting videos. Through a screen, there was no way to find out that he was an omega and no one could touch him. 

Then, one day...


The gray-eyed male suddenly turned around, he was wearing a mask to hide his face and his hair fell slightly over his shoulders unlike the low ponytail he wore indoors. How had he been recognized? Who had just called him? For the first time in a month he agreed to take Anne to the park down the street and this was happening?

He frowned slightly before getting up from the bench from which he was watching the little girl to turn to the stranger who was calling him. He was a tall young man, brown hair, well dressed, cerulean blue eyes... A very familiar blue. Oh, how could he forget his first love from high school who had humiliated him simply because he was weak and frail?


"It's really you! I didn't recognize you at first, but I figured there was only one person with such hair color!" the man exclaimed.

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