Taking care of injuries

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Eli x Aesop

TW: Blood, injuries


Matches. A simple game of cat and mouse where the rodents struggled to survive and escape from this hell, except that there was no way out in this place. No, the manor they had entered of their own free will had become their new prison. Dying was impossible and no matter where they walked, they would eventually return. This was their sad past, present and future.

However, in this grim and sinister place, there were always a few things that helped to see more colors. For Emma Woods, it was the flowers she tended in the garden. For Jose Baden, it was drowning his sorrows in alcohol. For the doctor, it was caring for the other survivors and making sure that everyone suffered as little as possible. However, the number of survivors was quite large and sometimes she couldn't take care of everyone who was injured.

As it was the case with Aesop Carl at this moment, the embalmer.

The young man had just come out of a match against Luchino, the latter having sliced him at his arm quite deeply, to the point that blood was flowing profusely from his wound once he came out of his match. Well not quite, he was pretty sure it wasn't bleeding as much when he came back, which was even why Emily had let him go after he told her he could handle it on his own.

He didn't know how it had happened but his sleeve was now soaked with the bloody red liquid from his wound. Then, as if that wasn't enough, this person had to wait for him at the doorstep of his room. Goodness, he was certainly not going to let this pass and all this mess could definitely not remain unnoticed even if he tried to hide it. Suddenly, his face rose and the embalmer knew he was doomed.



Eli Clark, the seer, the man with the owl, incidentally his lover.

"My god, what's that!?"

The smile on the latter's face quickly faded when he noticed the other's scarlet sleeve, only to be replaced by an expression showing concern, perhaps also frustration or irritation?

"It's nothing."

"What? It's not nothing."

Without giving him time to retort, the brunet grabbed him by his intact arm before opening the door of the embalmer's room and dragging him inside. He then closed the door behind them and forced Aesop to sit on the bed, not taking the trouble to explain anything while he removed himself the jacket and the shirt of the young man and threw them on the side. He then glanced at the wound and the gray-eyed male could see the seer's eyebrows furrowed over his blindfold. He did not look in a very good mood.

"Why didn't you go see Emily?"

Eli moved away from the bed when he asked this question and walked over to the desk to get the first aid kit and then back to Aesop, pulling bandages, cotton, and antiseptic out of the box to treat his wound. He applied some product on the cotton and began to clean the wound of the embalmer, the latter shuddering slightly because of the sensation that stung and burned. But the brown-haired man didn't seem to care in the least.

"I said I could handle it on my own."

"Your match ended an hour ago."


"And you left it until your arm was in a state almost out of a horror movie?"

"It's not as bad as it looks..."

The seer let out a small yelp before grunting and wrapping the bandage around the embalmer's arm, the latter squirming slightly from the pressure against his wound. He didn't think it would hurt this much or that the dark-haired man would tighten the bandage so much. Once finished, Eli put the material away and set the box aside before removing the blindfold from around his eyes and grabbing Aesop's face between his hands.

The cerulean blue of his eyes then met the ashen gray of his.

"Aesop Carl."

"Eli Clark?"

"You're going to drive me crazy. Are you some kind of masochist or what?!"

"I'm not..."

The brown-haired man sighed before pressing his forehead against the other male's. He knew he didn't like pain and he wasn't suicidal either but... If only he could be a little more careful, it would save him from gaining a few gray hairs every time the young man did something reckless or careless. Anyway, that was just the way he was and Eli accepted him for who he was.

"Promise me you'll be more cautious, okay? You don't know how much I worry about you."

"I... still don't understand why you do..."

"Well, it's because I love you."

"Didn't you love Gertrude?"

"I loved her, but she didn't. Then I found you."

After having pronounced these words, he bent slightly to lower the mask of the young man and place a soft kiss against his lips, innocent, gentle. Aesop then placed his hands on his, his eyes half-open, dreamy. Honestly, he really wondered why Eli loved him. It wasn't that he didn't believe him or love him, certainly not, the male was the first to make him feel so many new things and he knew it wasn't just friendship.

He just wondered why.

The brunet finally stepped aside and ran his thumb against the embalmer's cheek, sketching a smile. Some people might have thought the gray-eyed male was scary, creepy and strange, but to him, there was more to him than meets the eye. Indeed, Aesop Carl was so much more than anything they could imagine and he was infinitely happy that he had chosen him.

The beginning was quite slow and difficult with the embalmer who refused to interact but with time, the seer managed to make him open up to him, thus allowing the brunet to discover the mysterious world hidden inside the young man. He had many more talents than one could think, he could dance, play the piano, draw... What could he not do?

"I'm the one who should be wondering why you're interested in someone weird who can see the future." he said, stifling a laugh.

However, Aesop tightened his grip on Eli's hands slightly, tilting his head to the side to melt into his touch.

"You're not weird."

"I'm not?"

"You're...kind, caring... Enough to be around someone like me."

"Maybe we're both strange in the end."


Eli laughed at the male's response and Aesop couldn't help but chuckle slightly as well. A couple of idiots indeed. Two rather strange young men in many ways that everything opposed and yet everything brought them together. They didn't really know how they had ended up in such a relationship but they were comfortable with each other and enjoyed one another's presence.

Taking care of their wounds, comforting the other... This place might be hell, but some things like spending time with a special person could easily brighten up a day.

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