Study session at the library

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Naib x Aesop

Highschool AU

Idk it's not a popular ship but I think they're cute together


His mask. It was the first thing he saw. Why on earth was he wearing a mask in this heat ? It wasn't the first time Naib had seen his classmate, Aesop Carl, but he still couldn't get used to it. They had strangely been in the same class since elementary school after all.

They had never truly spoken to each other. Aesop was a loner and always found excuses to get out of situations where there were too many people for his taste, that is, when there was more than one person. Naib wasn't the type to hang out with the masses but he did have a few friends like Norton or Eli.

Aesop ? He didn't think much of him. He didn't hate him but he didn't like him either. He was just a classmate, nothing more. They would sometimes say hello to each other, get together during group work and then their few interactions ended there.

However, when the brown-haired boy was forced to come to school because of his poor grades in the last exams, fate chose to make his path cross with the ashen-haired boy's in another place than the corridors or their classroom, the library.

A place where the young Subedar rarely went. A stale place with tons of books filled with countless lines containing words he understood half of and no pictures was really not his cup of tea.

Yet, for once, the place had a totally different atmosphere. The windows were open to let in a draft so as not to suffocate. The curtains were slightly drawn, drawing a line of shadow in the middle of the room. There was only the sound of cicadas and the fan on the library counter. 

There was not a soul in sight. Even the student in charge of the place had gone to wander elsewhere. The whole school was quiet due to the fact that it was summer vacation. It was a bit sad to have to spend the rest of the time studying, but on the other hand, it was also relaxing not to hear the energetic voices in the corridors, the sounds of people playing ball outside...

Naib finally decided to move after contemplating the surroundings long enough. He walked through the rows of shelves to the area where the tables for studying were located. That's when he saw him. His hair tied up neatly as usual, his mask pulled up to the level of his nose, no doubt, it was Aesop.

He had a thick book with a dark green cover. His left hand was resting on the table and his right hand was holding the corner of the next page, sometimes moving to see the next one. His gray eyes were focused on the text in front of him and the sunlight reflected lightly on his silky hair. It looked like a scene straight out of a painting.

Perhaps the brunette had been watching a little too long because the young man with the silver hair looked up at him. He didn't look surprised. In fact, he did not show any particular expression and gave him his most neutral look as he would do with anyone. Naib wasn't going to stand there like an idiot so he took a step forward towards his table.



And a silence followed. Okay, maybe a dialogue between two introverts wasn't the best thing to try. I mean, it was just the two of them in the library and the brown-haired man would look silly if he went to sit somewhere else after greeting his comrade so he decided to sit across from him. Aesop watched him do so, saying nothing, his eyes dropping back to his book as Naib sat down.

"What are you reading ?"

Carl looked up again, surprise passing through his eyes for a second, he had not expected Subedar to speak to him. He knew better than anyone that they weren't that close and that no matter who was in front of him, Aesop gave off an aura that said not to talk to him. In that case, why was Naib disobeying the rule ?

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