I will never leave your side

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Eli x Aesop

TW : Explicit death, insanity, toxic relationship


Sometimes losing something that is precious to us can lead to doing unexplainable things. This loss can be an item we broke, a bet we lost and even a person. In the last case, several reactions are possible. Sadness, anger, it all depends on the situation and how this person disappeared from our life. Blindness is also one of the solutions that some people consult.

This was the case with Eli Clark.

"Aesop, could you come here for a moment ? Regarding..."

The embalmer was sitting at his desk putting his brushes away in his makeup box when Emily Dyer, the doctor, entered his room to ask for his help. She didn't have to finish her sentence because Aesop had already gotten up from his seat and left the room without saying a word. He knew exactly what the problem was and also that he was probably the only one who could fix it.

He walked down the long hallway on the survivors' side of the mansion and eventually stopped in front of a dark wooden door with a sign that read 'Eli Clark - Seer'. The young Carl knocked on the door and to no one's surprise, there was no answer. He put his hand on the handle hoping it wasn't locked and luckily a click was heard and it opened.

The gray-eyed boy stepped into the room, careful where he stepped. The light was off and the shutters were closed, allowing a few thin rays to pass through the small hollows there were but most of the light in the room came from the hallway. Aesop looked around and lit the candle that was on the diviner's desk before grabbing it. That's when he heard a screech.


"Eli ?" the embalmer asked blankly.

"A-Aesop ? I-Is that you ?" a low voice replied.

The ashen-haired man took a few more steps toward the voice, raising the candle in front of him to see more clearly. On the floor, in the space between the window and the bed, sat none other than Eli Clark, the seer. The brunette raised his face to his friend with a desperate expression, both hands clutching the hood of his cloak. He looked awful.

It must have been about two weeks since that day. Two weeks since he had learned by a letter, the death of his fiancée with the details of it. It was far from being a painless death, the poor woman had been caught in a carriage accident, the horses had stomped on her abdomen, screwing up her intestines and the wheels of the vehicle had gone right through her head, opening her skull and making her face unrecognizable.

Her body had taken quite a lot of damage and Aesop hoped that the embalmer in charge of her corpse could do the best he could to restore the beauty of the fiancée his best friend had spoken so much about. After hearing the news, the seer shut himself up, in a kind of state of madness. He rarely left his room, hardly touched his food and muttered incomprehensible things when someone passed by him.

Then there were those moments. Moments like the one the embalmer was currently in. A moment in which Eli Clark was lost in his dementia and the only person who could calm him down was the one he trusted the most, who was always there for him despite his quiet and self-effacing nature, was Aesop Carl.

The gray-clad boy stepped away from the seer for a second to close the door for more privacy before returning to his friend and crouching down facing him. The moment he approached, the latter threw himself against his chest, putting both arms around the embalmer to draw him into a tight embrace. Aesop put his candle on the ground a little further away so as not to burn Eli and sat on the ground before returning his embrace.

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