Love at first sight

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Eli x Aesop

College AU


His silky silver hair, his long, drooping eyelashes, his dreamy gray eyes... It was love at first sight for Eli Clark. The biology student had just laid eyes on Aesop Carl, another student going to the same university as him but having chosen an artistic path unlike him. Well, he understood the choice of the latter, the young man was breathtakingly beautiful after all.

By chance, it turned out that they had quite a lot of courses in the same building, thus giving the opportunity to the brunet to cross paths with the gray-eyed one in the corridors several times to admire him discreetly. After observing him for a long time, he noticed that the latter often hung out with a rather tall blond guy with a shy look and another young man with black hair and a scar on his face.

The three of them looked quite close and Eli often found himself envying the intimacy between them. If only he could have such a relationship with Aesop or even something similar, but he wasn't even sure if the target of his love knew his name. They had never spoken after all and the brown-haired man learned his by chance when one of his friends called him.

Eli Clark and Aesop Carl were just strangers to each other.

On another very ordinary day, the student had done a project on roses. He got a good grade and appreciation, but now he found himself walking like an idiot through the campus with a bunch of white flowers. It was then that his gaze was drawn to a gray head not far away. Seeing that familiar face, his feet suddenly began to move of their own accord and without noticing, he was standing in front of Aesop and holding out one of his roses.

Oh, how embarrassed he was. Surely he must have looked like a fool or someone strange to offer flowers out of nowhere to a man with whom he never had a real discussion. He tried to make up for it by explaining that they were the remains of his work and that he preferred to offer them to people rather than throwing all those roses in the garbage can.

The gray-eyed male looked at him curiously for a moment, his lips slightly hidden by the collar of his sweater. Then he took the rose from his hands and brought it to his nose to inhale its smell. He giggled and sketched a weak smile to the brunet while thanking him before leaving to join his two friends, leaving Eli completely fascinated behind him.

Eli Clark had fallen in love.

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