Chapter Three.

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Soon enough the stairs come to an end and we meet the next floor, I suppose this is the part where I have to actually audition. I really am dreading this part, I thought I was prepared, if I could take a minute to prepare I think I would be okay, but that's not going to happen now.
John sets down my things on the floor, there's a few seats, four to be exact, I suppose that's where the group are going to be sitting, and me in front.
Roger and John take their seats, causing me to gulp in fear, biting my bottom lip nervously as I walk over to my guitar, taking it out of its case.
Fuck, don't drop it Andy. You cannot fuck this up.
I say to myself, soon feeling my hands jitter slightly, so many thoughts flooding through my head.

"So, when did you start playing?"

My head flicks up so fast I nearly break my neck, looking to the two, I'm sure that was John who said that, I stare at them both with my mouth slightly opened, before I realise and close it again.
I take the guitar out of its case, plugging in my amp and slightly jumping at the noise of it, why did I do that? I'm never this jumpy.

"Well I- I got my first guitar when I was eleven, started playing from there."

I say, thankfully I didn't sound too nervous there, or so I hope.
The two give each other a look, before nodding to me.

"Shit, that's more experience than us, anyway."
Roger says with a smile, and John gives an agreeing nod.

"What age are you, mate?"
John asks, holding his head in his hands.
I shoot my eyes to him, licking my lips. I hate to say it, but I almost had to think of my response.

"I'm eighteen, b-but I'll be nineteen in February."

I say, I feel like I have to announce that soon I'll be nineteen. I mean, I don't know what age these guys are, I'm assuming they're not too far off me, but they could be older, although they don't look to be in their twenties at all.
Again they nod, I'm hoping I'm saying the right things, but I suppose there is no wrong answer to the questions.

"Charley, come in here!"

John calls, turning around in his seat.
I jump slightly, looking to where John looks.
I wonder who Charley is, I already know Roger is the drummer, and I'm assuming John is the bassist since he has just picked up a bass and has started to pick at it.
I hear a door open in the corner, I didn't even see there was a door there, this place is quite confusing, and how big even is it?
Another quite tall man walks into the room, looking me up and down like the rest of them did, so it doesn't phase me this time.
His hair is a weird orangey blonde colour, he's sporting leather pants and a white oversized blouse it seems to be, I smirk slightly, he looks cool.
He leans on the wall next to me as I stare at him in confusion. My neck almost hurts having to look at so many people taller than me, it's getting quite annoying, how much I wish to be taller.
He seems to be checking out my outfit, as I check out his, I see a smile creep onto his face.

"Is it Andy?"
He asks, holding his hand out to me.

"It is."
I say, I'm sort of getting sick of having to say that's my name now.

"Great, I'm Simon."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, so he's not called Charley? I suppose it's a nickname. I also soon realise that his accent isn't brummie, he's clearly from London, thank God they're not all from Birmingham, I really would've felt like the odd one out.
When they all sit down, I can see them muttering things to each other, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't killing me.

"Whenever your ready."
Simon adds, getting comfortable in his seat.
I give them a nod, acting confident when really? I'm not.
I start off fine, my head directs me on where to go, I tell myself to do what I always do, when I'm in my room it's always so easy, it used to come to me so naturally, now it's... different.
I keep on track, remembering each thing I rehearsed, my hands become clammy, I keep feeling my fingers slipping, but nothing seems to happen, which is strange, maybe it's all in my head?

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