Chapter Nine.

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The orange glow of the street lights floods the path as I walk quickly on the damp ground, hoping I don't step in any puddles along the way, I keep my hands in my pockets, I wouldn't know what to do with them if I didn't.
I look around myself, not many people about, it seems to be a way busier street in the day time.
I look down at me feet as I walk, my eyes soon glancing over to see Nick's feet, we're walking in the exact same pace, I try to keep up with it, however Nick is a fast walker, his hand also in his pocket while the other one occupies a cigarette, another cigarette.
I take my eyes away from me and Nick's legs, looking up to see the sign I was waiting for and dreading at the same time.
The Rum Runner.

"Thank fuck for that, I'm freezing."

Nick hisses, throwing his cigarette to the ground before crossing his arms.
I see many people lining to get in, many are dressed beautifully, many are way over the top, which is still amazing, I could just never do it myself.
Just as I try make my way to the door, I gasp loudly, my eyes shutting as I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and I'm suddenly jolted back, my back slightly hitting the wall but not hard enough for it to hurt.
My eyes are wide, as Nick slowly lets go of my arm.
he begins, bringing his hands to my collars, fixing them up, his hands are freezing and make me flinch when they touch my neck.

"When we go in here, there's a lot of people, yeah?"

He says, raising a brow at me to respond.
It's not that he treats me like a child or anything, but- he does treat me like a child. I don't think he intends to, I just don't know what he intends by it.
I nod quickly, my back still against the wall, I can hear the sound of muffled conversations just a corner away from me, it's hard to pay attention.

"Most of these people, well- many of them will try steal your clothes if they think it's nice enough,"

he begins, and I think I already know what's coming.

"And I had the decency to give you my finest jacket."

He says with a smirk, his eyes not on mine but on the frills of my blouse, he plucks lightly on them, making sure it sticks out of my jacket.

"So if anyone asks to take your jacket for you, refuse. I don't want anyone to lay a finger on it. Took me a lot to get that."

I laugh softly, I would say he's kidding, but how could he be? This is the most serious I've seen him.

"Don't worry, your jacket is safe with me."

I say, a hint of sarcasm following my voice.
He gives a smirk, a glimmer in his eyes from the glow of the light.

"Well, let's go then, we can't waste anymore time."

Nick says, motioning his head to where the door is.
I lift myself from off the wall, a slight bit of nervousness in my body.
I keep my eyes on the ground as I realise we have came to a stop, I look to Nick, then up to the door, few people crowding it. There seems to be a doorman there that Nick is smiling at, I squint my eyes to try and see who it is, and as the crowds clear slightly I see a bored looking John leaning on the door as he looks people up and down as they go by.
Soon enough Nick and I reach outside of the door, John still hasn't noticed us and Nick rolls his eyes.

"He's blind as a bat."

Nick whispers in my ear, but I don't think it's because of that, there's just many people around, and he doesn't look to be interested in who they are.
Nick gives a sharp whistle, making me flinch slightly.
I let out a small laugh when John jumps from off the door he was leaning on.
His head snaps to Nick, rolling his eyes before he shoots me a smile.

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