Chapter Seven.

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"Hey, you alright?"

I turn around as quick as I can with a small gasp, the frame still in my hand as I am now staring into Nick's eyes, and he's starting into mine.
I watch his eyes fall onto my hands which occupy the photo of him and his mother. I feel my face go red as a smirk appears on his lips and he looks back up to me. Fuck, I'm holding his photo in my hand, he's gonna ask what I'm doing isn't he?
I nod slightly as a response to his question that was asked an awkward amount of seconds ago.


He asks me.
I sigh in relief, thanking God he didn't ask what I was doing, although I know he's thinking it, which kind of makes this worse.
I look down to his hand holding out a can of beer for me, I'm really happy he's offering, my throat has been dry all day, although I just couldn't bring myself to ask, I feel like a bother even speaking to him.

"Yeah, thanks."

I say, taking the beer off of him, I quickly remember the picture in my hands, soon setting it back exactly where it was before I turn back to Nick.

"You can sit you know, Andy."

Nick says with a small smile and an eyebrow raised at me, I feel slightly embarrassed because I just keep staring at him, it's like my eyes are a magnet being drawn to metal.
Nick lets out a sigh and gives an eye roll before he sits himself down onto the seat, almost as if he has to show me what to do.
He pats on the space beside him, the couch isn't that big I must say, although it looks comfortable.
I sit myself down awkwardly while Nick watches me the whole time, my every move, he's still watching.
I flinch slightly as Nick lifts his legs up onto the couch and crosses them, turning sidewards so he is directly in front of me.
He holds his head in his hand, and I can tell there is a question on the tip of his tongue, and I prepare myself for whatever it may be.

"Having a look at my photos, huh?"

He says with a smirk, leaning close to me.
I swallow thickly, looking back at the photos.

"Yeah, they're nice."

I say as I turn back to him with a smile.
He gives a small giggle, covering his mouth. I don't know why he does that, his teeth are simply perfect, I have to admit I'm a tad bit jealous of them.

"It's me and my mum, in case you couldn't tell."

He says, perching his lips as he takes a sip of beer, I smile discretely, I don't think in my eighteen years of life I have ever seen someone sip beer, it could only be him couldn't it?

"Oh I could, your smiles are identical."

I say as my eyes trace back to the photos.
I hear a soft laugh escape Nick's lips and my attention is drawn back to him.
I watch him closely, his rosy cheeks compliment him so perfectly. I raise a brow as Nick rubs his neck with a slight smile, is it because of what I said? Did I make him smile? Not that I care, it's just I didn't expect him to crack open, I thought he would keep on his confident persona.
There is a small silence between the both of us, nothing I can't handle though, I ponder what to say to him, anxious he'll talk and I'll cut him off, I'm never this nervous, I'm frightening myself.

"So, you must be close with your mum then, right?"

I ask, breaking the small silence.

Nick looks up to me, his pupils wide as he taps his nails on the side of his beer can in a rhythm.
He smiles sweetly at the mention of her, which is so nice to see.
I'm guessing he's a mummy's boy then, I render it as inappropriate to say right now, if I was closer with him I definitely would.

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