Chapter Eleven.

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He's the DJ, how could I not have known? It's the only think he would be doing, I'm really not surprised.
Soon enough I turn my whole body around to watch him, I don't even realise I'm doing it, I just fixate my eyes upon him, my smile staying glued onto my face.
He's playing "Heroes" by David Bowie, making me smile even more, thinking of how he played him when we were with each other, a small warmth bubbles within me.
I suddenly feel my heart beat that slight bit faster when Nick's eyes fall onto mine, a smirk forming on his lips.
I give a small eye roll at him, letting him know I fully understand his reasons for playing Bowie. Although Bowie is truly worshipped here, the crowds are singing every word, all the New Romantics treat him like a god.
I look around, how the crowds are singing with each other, how some couples are kissing and dancing together, how this song just brings everyone together, how it keeps me and Nick's eyes slowly meeting every once and a while.

I, I can remember,
Standing, by the wall.
And the guns, shot above our heads,
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall.
And the shame, was on the other side.
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever,
Then we could be heroes, just for one day.

I watch Nick bob his head, miming the lyrics so perfectly, look at the crowd sing, looking at me sing with a stupid grin.

"So, you have a job here yet?"

I gasp softly, snapping out of my thoughts and turning back around to Simon and John, who are now staring at me with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths.

I shake my head slowly, realising I am going to have to get one soon.

"No, not yet."

I say, tapping the side of my glass, the condensation dripping from the sides.

"No need to worry, you'll get one, Nick is always here for that."

I raise a brow at Simon's words, will Nick be able to get me a job here? I'm sort of glad I don't have to get one myself, if someone else can do it for me I think I'll be okay.

"Nick? How can he get me one?"

I ask curiously, resting my head into my hands, the song in the background still making me smirk slightly.

"Well, he got us all of ours when we got here, I don't know how he does it, it's better not to question him."

I nod slightly, leaning back in my chair and taking in his words.

"He always seems to get the nice things, getting the job as the DJ while we're actually working."

John laughs, shaking his head as he scans his eyes across the crowds.
I smile, that seems just like Nick, I'm not surprised he got the job of being a DJ.
I turn back around again, it takes a few seconds but soon enough Nick catches my stare once again, giving a small side smile.

"He suits it. Being the DJ, he's more of a confident person, isn't he?"

I say, still looking in Nick's direction, watching his every move.

"I suppose, although you shouldn't let him fool you, he's not always like that."

I turn my head back around again, his words catch my attention.

"Is that so?"

I ask, taking a gulp of my drink, pulling my chair into the table.

"Well, he is a dominant person. But he can be quite sensitive, very sensitive actually."

John says, which Simon nods his head along to his words.  Nick being sensitive? You have got to be kidding.
I almost laugh out loud at those words, he really doesn't strike me as the type to be sensitive.
I soon hear the introduction to "The Model" by Kraftwerk start to play.
I smile once again, Nick seems to have a good mixtape of songs handy, no wonder he's the DJ, he knows how to get the crowd moving.

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