Chapter Fifteen

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(I decided to change the cover for this fic, idk why tho lmao, anyway enjoy!)

"Ands, Ands! Wake up!"

I toss and turn in my bed, my body still too limp to even open my eyes yet, I can feel sun light over me, and two hands shaking my arms, I groan in annoyance.

"Nick? What the fuck are you doing in my house?!"
I screech, quickly pushing myself into a sitting position.

1982... A new year, a new start.  Last year seemed to flash before me in the blink of an eye. It was the most surreal year of my life, getting our first album out and having songs on it actually do well, it all felt like a dream.
My relationship with the group had become the quickest I had ever become close with people, I had my doubts about how we would all become, and it was amazing discovering more about them.

For a start, the man I met first, John. We had become the ones who had our own way of fun, we were partners in crime if anything, we got up to quite some things in our time as friends, he was the one to persuade me to always go out and do stuff, have fun, but really he could do that with anyone. He could even persuade Roger to go out, and I was always glad of it, Roger was the one who kept me on my feet, the one who could stop me from getting stupid and slipping up, he was the one I knew I could always get good advice from. He differed from Simon, Simon was cocky, confident with what he wanted, and the two of us together? Nothing could get in our way.
Now, that leaves me with Nick.
Well, Nick stuck by me through it all, from the beginning. He is the one who brought me up to be who I am. He changed me, and I hate to say it because I know he would make fun of me, but he's my best friend, and I know I'm his. It was really us through anything, throughout 1981 we became the bitchiest people I could ever imagine, we weren't afraid of anything, we knew our place. I am not the guy I was when I first met him, shy and confused at his personality, like John said those years ago, you have to get used to that personality, and I did, if anything I took some of it on myself. I now am more confident and it's partly because of him.

"You're key, remember? you gave me your spare one when you moved in."

He says, dangling the key in front of my face.
I sigh deeply, I kind of regret that decision now.

"Doesn't mean you get to just walk into my house whenever you want, Nick!"

Nick shakes his head, his smile still doesn't leave his face.
Nick takes me by my shoulders, almost shaking me awake, since I still feel as though I will fall back into sleep. I look at his smile, then his eyes, he's clearly excited about something, I know that look when I see it.

"That doesn't matter right now! We've got news, big news."

Nick squeals, he takes my hands into his in excitement, I can't help but smile at his lit up face.

"Go on then."

I groan, sitting back on the wall beside my bed.

"Hungry like the wolf. It's at number two in the charts!"

Nick says, standing up from my bed and lifting me up with him.

"W-Wait... Really?"

I say, our hands still held tightly together.
He nods quickly at me, his teeth still on show with a smile.
Suddenly my heart beat begins to quicken in excitement, I know by Nick's face he isn't lying either.

"I came to you as soon as I could!"

I look to the clock, it's still quite early, for Nick anyway, he would never be up at this time.
Also considering he still can't drive, so he must have walked here, he despises taxi's.
I can now drive, I was sick of walking everywhere, but Nick on the other hand still wouldn't do it. He's a right bitch for using it to his advantage that I can drive, I'm like his personal taxi driver. I take him everywhere, I usually get phone calls from him saying he's got somewhere he needs to be and promises he'll "return the favour", although he never does.

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