Chapter Six.

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Jesus, how has he got so much clothes? Where did he get them from? I mean, he obviously spends more money on clothes than he does on where he lives, and don't even get me started on the makeup, there's piles of it everywhere.

"So, what would you like to wear?"

He says, tracing his hands along each clothing item.
I look through the outfits, but then my eyes look above the wardrobe and at the wall, covered in posters.
I smile slightly, seeing many David Bowie posters, then a few Roxy Music ones.
My eyes then fall onto concert tickets that he has pinned next to his record player, with many records beside it.

"What are you looking at?"

Nick says with a smile, before turning around to where my eyes were.
He turns back around to me, a smug look on his face, hand on his hip.

"You're eyeing up my records, aren't you?"

He says with a laugh, walking over to them.
I watch as he flicks through each of the records, he's got Queen, Roxy Music, David Bowie, a lot of it too; and- Sex Pistols? Jesus, I definitely wasn't expecting that, he doesn't look like the type who would like them. He's also got Kraftwerk, I love them. He seems to be very passionate in music, it's cute, not in a weird way, just... Sweet.
He finally takes a record out of the many piles of them, facing it in my direction with a smile.
I smile back to him, I can recognise that album anywhere, it's David Bowie's Hunky Dory, I love that album, I really do, it's quite odd he picked that one.

"You wouldn't mind if I stuck it on, would you?"

"Of course not."

I mumble, I'm quite desperate to just get some clothes on to be honest, I'm freezing.
Nick gently takes the record from its sleeve, dusting it down lightly.
He sets it down, slowly putting the needle down onto the plastic, and the music begins to play.
Nick bobs his head lightly, a smirk creeping onto his lips as he turns it up.
I can't help but smile too, he really looks in the zone of the song.

"Right, back to you."

He says, still discretely dancing to himself as he mimes the words.
He looks through the large amount of different blouses, most of this is woman's clothing, obviously Nick is way bigger on fashion than I am, I have a feeling he'd kill me if I said I didn't really care for it much, so I stay quiet.
His eyes light up as he looks at each clothing item, he pulls out a lovely black blazer, it looks brand new, looks as if he would trip up on it it's so long.
He doesn't look as though he's looking at it for me, more for himself as he presses it to his chest, biting his lip softly as he pulls together ideas for himself.
I can tell he finally realised I'm still standing here, as he puts back the jacket and starts to flick through more outfits.
After a long while, he finally takes out a blouse, it's a deep red frilly shirt, the neck, chest and arms covered in frills with black buttons all the way up.
He smiles at the blouse, then looks to me, thinking of how it would look in his head.
He presses it to my chest, I look to the blouse, then back at Nick, waiting for him to say something.

"This is perfect."

He mutters, taking my hand and holding out my arm to see the length.

"Lucky your just around the same height as me, it'll fit you."

He says with a smile, soon kneeling down to get something for my bottom half, leaving me with the blouse in hand.

"Here, take these- we can be matching."

He says, taking out a pair of pin straight trousers and a black belt, just like his own.
I suddenly become confused as he takes out all these outfits and clothes, where does he get them from? How does he have the money?

"Where do you get the money for all these?"

I ask, taking the trousers into my hands.
He looks to me, raising a brow as though it should be obvious to me.

"You think I buy all these? Of course not, dear."

He says, walking away from me and taking the record off of the needle, I wish he hadn't of, I was quite enjoying it.

"Well then... How do you get them?"

I ask, still not catching on, I can be a bit slow to catch on to things.
He lets out a small giggle at me, covering his mouth as he does.

"Well... Some is made, you know- DIY sort of thing. The rest... Well, probably stolen, I don't keep track."

He says with a devious smile, I should have known he was a little pickpocket, simply because he looks all innocent, but really he's a character.

"Oh really? Stealing?"

I tease, I have to admit I have stolen before, I mean who hasn't? Just the basics, cigarettes, sweets when I was little, money from my parents' wallets, all that sort of thing.
Nick rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall.

"Gotta do what you gotta do, right? You can't tell me you've never stolen before."

He says, looking to me doubtfully.


I whisper sarcastically, thankfully he read my sarcasm and responded with a playful eye roll.

"Well, go on! Get these clothes on, I can't wait to see you."

Nick says; pushing me out of the room.
I can't tell if he meant that or not, I don't know why I care, though.

"You look stunning, dear."

The pet names. They're killing me, it's annoying because I usually hate being called any type of pet name, they make me feel weak, lower than the other person, but now? Nick has been calling me them ever since I met him, and for some reason it's making me feel safe and comfortable, and I can't stomach the fact that I'm okay with it. I would tell him to stop, because the thought of it is odd, but every time he does, a smile sometimes starts to appear on my lips.

"You think?"

I say, raising a brow as I stare at myself in the mirror, Nick holding my shoulders and standing behind me with a bright smile on his face.

"I know."

He says, turning me around to face him.
He starts to pull at the frills on the shirt to make them stand out more, he seems so serious about this, usually I would put anything on my back and go out the door, but Nick? This shit means a lot to him.
The shirt is quite uncomfortable, a bit itchy on my neck, although I can work with it. The trousers fit nice and snug with a belt to top it off, and of course it isn't a normal black belt, it's got chains drooping down its side with roses as the pattern, can't any clothing he has not be over the top? I've never met someone so over the top with what they wear before, he really loves fashion, I know I don't really care for it, but that could change.
I walk in behind him into his small little living room, one couch and a small table in front of it. I look around myself quizzically, spotting a few pictures in frames on the windowsill that catch my attention straight away.
I look back around to see Nick in the small little kitchen looking in the fridge, I'm guessing the kitchen is probably never used, he doesn't look like the type to be cooking, I laugh slightly at the thought. I make sure he's not looking before I slowly walk over to the windowsill where the little pictures sit.
I squint my eyes to try make out what is on them, my nosy self can't handle not knowing, so I slowly and gently pick up one of the pictures, holding it close to my face and blowing off the dust that lies upon it.
I tilt my head to the side, a small smile creeping onto my face. It's Nick and some woman, I can't believe how young Nick looks, I'm guessing he's around fourteen. I look to the other person, who seems to have the exact same smile as him, so maybe it's his mum. Wow, he looks so happy, he's smiling so much his eyes are closed shut, and it makes me happy to see. I look down to the other photos, another one of him and his mum, and to the side of it is one of Nick and... John I believe? Their arms around each other, I'm aware the two of them have known each other the longest. My eyebrows furrow as I realise there is none with Nick's dad, which I know is none of my business, there could be many reasons for that. I smirk slightly as I keep my eyes on the picture of Nick and his mum, I mean I'm certain it is his mum, they look very alike and it's adorable. I like how he still keeps photos up of the two of them, usually people would be quite embarrassed by doing that, especially teenage boys, but who am I kidding? Nick isn't exactly a normal teenage boy.

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