Chapter 13

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(I'm honestly so happy with this fanfic, I'm excited to keep it going and probably make it a long one, I want to make it emotional along the way. I love doing Andy's perspective to watch their friendship grow <3 )

Suddenly I snap back into reality when I hear a soft groan escape Nick's lips, he starts to move gently, giving small whimpers.
I freeze completely, my eyes don't leave him and my legs don't move.
I know I should just walk away, but my legs won't move, why won't they move?
I hold onto the wall, swallowing thickly as I see his hands rub both of his eyes, a small yawn following it.
My mouth goes completely dry when I notice Nick's green hues meet my blue ones, they shine brightly from the sun.
He stares at me for a few delayed seconds, I can tell he's trying to get his surroundings back, still half asleep.

"S-Sorry, I just woke up and- and I didn't know if you were awake."

I stutter, backing out of the room but not leaving.
He groans softly once again, getting into a sitting position.
He uses his skinny arms to hold himself up, his bed head makes me smile once again.

"You're okay. Good morning."

I sigh in relief at his words, his voice is deep and raspy upon just waking up.
Why is he so kind to me? Why does he treat me so nicely and like he's known me for so long? I've never felt so safe but confused with someone in my entire life.

"Good morning."

I whisper back, my reply quite delayed.
He looks dizzy and still a bit asleep, I feel bad for being here now, although I didn't wake him up, he must have just sensed my presence.
He's so pale, even in this light, pale skin with a sheen of sweat, his eyes unfocused but still able to stay open.

"How long have you been up for?"

He asks, throwing his legs over the side of the bed, scratching his messy hair.

"Not too long."

He scoffs at my reply, he must think I'm lying, I'm not surprised at him for thinking it either, it is something I would lie about.

"I hope it wasn't, I'll warn you I'm not an early riser."

Nick says, his voice is still that slight bit croaky.

"That's fine."

I mumble, trying to keep my eyes away from him.

"Now, we've got something to do today, Andy."

Nick begins, pouring a cup of tea for us both as I sit at the table watching him.
I lift my head from my hands, tilting my head to the side.
He turns around, a sweet but smug smile on his face as he sets down a cup of tea on the table for me.

"What's that, then?"

I mumble, my mind is not really paying attention anymore as I watch him light a cigarette, first thing in the morning with his tea, how...Nice.

"You need a job, dear. Don't think I'm going to be doing everything for you."

He says, poking his finger to my chest.
I take a sip of my tea, not replying to his comment as it actually makes me feel nervous, which I don't think he intended to do.

"So... Do you have any idea on what my job could be?"

I ask, taking more and more sips of my tea, more of a nervous sip then casual.

"Well, no. I know things need done in the club anyway, so there will be something for you."

He tells me reassuringly, and of course I believe him; I've really got nothing to lose and no one better to trust, I never really know what I'm getting myself into.

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