Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Why the hell would John suggest to go to Montserrat?!"
Nick screeches, as I am sat down, legs crossed with a magazine in hand, trying to ignore Nick's whining.

"I think it's a great idea."
I say with a smirk, trying to wind him up as it's funny to see Nick get all angry, not too much harm being done though.
I look to the red velvet curtain that Nick is behind, it is pulled across, Nick rustling about, trying on clothes.
I usually hate going shopping, especially clothes shopping, but when Nick is frustrated or annoyed, it's best not to argue with him; he said he'd go with or without me, and I was not going to leave him alone, I also think it's adorable seeing him so angry because he's just bitchy and I can't take him seriously when he's angry about things like these.
When Nick is stressed about things, he'll either go looking for clothes or go to art galleries, and today it was clothes shopping.
I soon snigger quietly when I hear a loud groan coming from behind the curtain, I keep flicking through the magazine while listening to the quiet music coming from the shop's speakers.
I soon grow suspicious when I don't hear any sound coming from Nick, no commentary or groaning over things like he usually is when looking for clothes, and so I put the magazine down, tilting my head to the side.

"Nick? You okay in there?"
I say with a slightly raised voice, and I then hear a sigh escaping his lips, and I can tell he's not happy.
He pulls the curtain over, a beautifully designed blouse with lovely colours clings to his upper body, a cropped blazer on, like he used to wear in early '82.
I smile, he looks so beautiful, his figure is gorgeous and feminine, the blouse is slightly loose at the bottom, his blazer sleeves rolled up, it suits him perfectly.
I then let my eyes meet his face, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, a pout on his lips with his arms now crossed. I look to his hair, which is now cut into a short and sharp mullet, bleached blonde fringe and a darker orange-brown colour all around. I have now let my hair grow out more, wanting a longer hair look, which I don't think Nick was too happy with at the start, so I opt for the pony tail- which he likes.

"Oh Nick, you look lovely!"
I exclaim, making my way over to him.
I rub my hands down the blazer, then fix the neck of his blouse for him, a smile on my face.

"You're lying." He says in a huff, turning to look in the mirror.
I roll my eyes, turning Nick back around and I cup his face with my hands, studying his face as he keeps that pout on.

"Of course I'm not. What's up, love?"
I whisper, and he sighs once again, his eyes seem to soften at the pet name I give him.

"Montserrat. Fuckin' hottest place we could go, and John suggests it in spite of me, he knows I don't have clothes for the place."
I can't help but laugh at his frustration, these silly things that anger him are not annoying to me, I just find it entertaining.

"Nick, you've got loads of clothes! I don't think you'll be short on things to wear if we go."
Nick looks away, and I spot the pile of clothes that are all hung up on hangers, waiting to be tried on by Nick.
He then makes his way over to the clothes I was eying, taking things out and pressing them to his chest as he mutters to himself.

"What about this?"
He asks, holding up a patterned button up shirt in one hand, and a pale blue blazer in his other.

"You'd suit it, you suit everything."
I say. I'm not very good when it comes to fashion, I never know what to say, especially when I'm with Nick, who is all about fashion.
He gives a small smile at me, making his way over and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Right, I'll give it a try."
He whispers, and I feel my face go red, stepping out of the dressing room to let Nick get dressed.

I look around myself, looking at the posters on the walls, all beautiful models everywhere, all outfits I know Nick would love; just imagining him in them all is making me smile, I really could daydream about it for a long time.

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