Chapter Twenty.

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"Aww, look at that smile! Should of got a picture of that."
Nick teases, causing me to only feel more vulnerable, but not necessarily in a bad way.

I don't say a word, I simply roll my eyes, getting myself up from the water fountain and making my way to Nick.
I look to his face as he stares out in front of him, his long eyelashes blinking prettily, his lips are plump and naturally that way too, although he still has his pink lipstick on, I don't think he ever leaves without it. His hair blows in the wind but whatever way it is it never looks bad, hairspray being apart of that, his hands cupping his small face, that pretty gold ring to top it off, he really is a sight.

"I want to go out tonight."
Nick suddenly blurts out, his eyes still kept forward.

I blink out of my stare, processing his words.
"Go out where?"

"A party. The fanciest club with colourful lights, drinks and nice outfits."
He sighs, finally looking to me.

I groan quietly, it's very hard to keep up with Nick, he's always wanting so much at one time, wanting to go out every night and do as much as he can before midnight.

"Well, do it then. Nothing's stopping you, I wouldn't mind going out myself to be honest."

I say, keeping my eyes on him, although I always have an urge to look away, his stares are always captivating but he never lets them go, it's like a game to see who will break first.

"I'll book the fanciest place. I just want to have the type of tour I always dreamed of."

"Well it's quite an easy dream to accomplish, Nick."
I say with a laugh, soon feeling goosebumps up my arms as the air begins to feel colder, I
wouldn't mind going back now.

"Although, I said fancy outfits."
Nick says, turning to me and folding his arms.
I look at him in confusion, trying to figure out what he means.

"Okay? Wear something nice then."
I mumble, looking him up and down, waiting for a reaction.

"No, you are going to wear your finest suit, darling."
Nick says, resting his hand onto my arm.

I groan in annoyance, turning away from him.
I absolutely despise wearing fancy things, I don't know what it is about it, I feel as though I'm trying to hard, I'm used to wearing complete shit, yet I like being stylish. Wearing suits has always been weird for me.

"God, Nick. Really?"

"Yes. I know you brought that beautiful black suit of yours because I told you to, and you're going to wear it."
Nick says with a wide smile, perfect teeth on show.

I hear him squeal in excitement, rubbing his hands together.

"Right, we'll go back, relax for a while. Then, we're going to celebrate this tour."

"Are you doing this just so I'll wear a suit?"
I ask, following Nick as he begins to walk away from where we were standing.

"No. Well, partly."
Nick whispers, taking my arm and bringing me away with him.

All I can think about is how I know how it will end, John will bring the cocaine, there will be every alcoholic drink to choose from and I won't be able to help myself, but... it's too hard to say no to.

It starts to grow darker in my hotel room as I lie on my bed, when I walked in my black suit was already lying on there, perfectly put together with a bow tie beside it, a bow tie that isn't mine, but is Nick's. He must have set it here with my things.
Nick told the rest of them to be ready to go, and that he would meet us there, at this club in the city, a very fancy one I believe, the rest are pretty much fed up with Nick's impulsive plans.
I take the last sip of my drink, setting it down beside me when I realise I probably shouldn't drink so much, there will be plenty of that later.
I sit up, tracing my hand down the material of the suit, looking to see it has became completely dark, I turn on a light and decide I should probably start getting ready.
I look at my reflection in the mirror, slipping on Nick's bow tie, my blazer hanging on my arm.
I already feel so stuffy in this, and I haven't even got my jacket on, the collar feels tight around my neck, but apart from that it's quite alright, hopefully I'll manage.
I quickly get on my shoes, the ones that Nick also picked out for me, and I will admit they are nice, I'm not the best at telling what's good and what's not, but I'm getting there.
Soon enough I hear a knock on my door, I know it isn't Nick because he said he would be gone and at the club early, I don't really know why though.

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