Chapter 9

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The streets of Tortuga were littered with drunks. The bottles that were smashed against the cobblestone trails crunched under Alicia's boots. She stopped as a drunk stumbled across her, laughing obnoxiously before flopping to the ground. She scowled. This happened too often around her.

She stepped over the man and glanced back to see Gibbs following. Ali could see a bottle in his hand as well and she sighed. This man would soon be drunk. She stopped and waited for the swaying man to reach her.

"This is ridiculous. How much longer, Gibbs?" She snapped but Gibbs had officially drank himself to the floor. His intoxicated body was sprawled on the floor and he was out cold. She shook her head in disappointment.

"Some pirate."

Wandering aimlessly again, this time she entered a small pub. Lively music echoed in the pub and Alicia could smell regret and throw up throughout the place. She scrunched her nose. Heading over to the bar herself, she gestured to the bartender who sent her a cheeky smile.

"What can I get for ya, miss?"

"Gin. On the rocks."

The bartender nodded before placing the drink in front of her. He offered her a chaser but she refused. Ali ran her finger over the rim of her alcohol before taking it in her hand and turning to observe the scene before her. Typical Tortuga setting; drunks everywhere. The music enhanced their senses, drinks were splattered on the floor, and girls were throwing themselves around for a dollar and thirty-two cents. Alicia frowned. She didn't have a real income growing up either, having to live off what she could find on the street but she never resorted to selling her body. She could still remember vividly the day a man offered to pay her for a good time and in less than a snap, eleven-year-old Alicia ran back to her crew in tears, screaming that someone was after her.

Needless to say, the man didn't live to see the sunrise on the following day.

Alicia knocked down another shot of gin, licking the dribbling drops that trailed down her chin.


Alicia turned towards the squeaky voice. A boy no older than fourteen stood before her nervously. Ali wondered why this boy was among the worst of the worst but she then remembered she was no younger than the boy before her. And as a woman, it was very frowned upon. She tipped her drink back.

"What can I do for you, boy?"

"My captain requests an audience from you, miss."

Alicia frowned and subtly glanced around. No one particular stood out to her and she wondered if this boy spoke the truth.

"Who's your captain?"

The boy squirmed.

"He requested to stay anonymous, miss."

"And it never crossed your mind that I would most definitely not be going with you unless you give me a name? As far as I'm concerned, boy, you could be leading me into a trap," Alicia muttered. The boy's eyes couldn't stay on her as he grew even more nervous under her glare. He didn't know what to say to convince her to follow him.

"Tell you what, kid. I'll follow you to wherever it is you want to take me. If you are telling the truth, I'll reward you with some coinage." Alicia watched as the boy's eyes lit up at the mention of money. He was quick to nod but Ali quickly stopped him.

"But if you're lying to me, you will give me your heart."


"You heard right, lad. I'm sure you've heard of ripping out hearts before."

The young boy gulped. He thought Alicia was joking but by the gleam in her eyes, he could tell she wasn't.

"What would you want with my heart?" He squeaked and Alicia shrugged.

"I'll consider it a trophy," she replied. She placed her hat back onto her head and turned to the boy, extending her hand out.

"So, lad, do we have a deal?"

Alicia watched as the boy thought her offer over. Of course, Ali wasn't cynical to rip out a heart for no reason. She knew this boy would be tricked by her bluff, and she smiled victoriously as he placed his hand in hers, shaking slowly.

"We have a deal, miss."


Alicia followed the boy out of the bar and onto the crowded streets of Tortuga. She saw one of her crew members puking their guts out and another passed out on the floor. She scrunched her nose with disgust.


The walk came to a quick end. The boy gestured to a building in front of her. It looked just as damp and rundown as any other building on the island. Alicia smiled grimly at the boy.

"After you, lad."

He entered and she followed him downstairs. They came to a room that had a small fireplace and a table. The room was nothing special except for the familiar pirate that sat at the table. Alicia scowled.

"This might as well be a trap," she hissed. She turned to the boy and tossed him a small cloth bag filled with money.

"Get lost, boy. You've done your part of the deal."

The boy nodded before glancing at his captain and running out of the building. Alicia huffed before taking a seat across from the pirate.

"Well... I'm here then, Barbossa. What do you want?"

Captain Barbossa smirked and leaned forward.

"Heard you're looking for Sparrow, Knights. A mutual task we share," he drawled.


"Let's strike a deal, poppet. I know how much you like deals."

"You must be mistaking me with my godfather," Alicia snapped.

"Nevertheless, let's make a deal. Help each other track down Sparrow, no strings attached."

Alicia laughed mockingly.

"Didn't we once make a deal, so long ago and you took back your words. Forgive me if I'm not the idiot child I once was," Alicia snapped. She rubbed her temple as she could feel a slight headache coming on. She groaned and stood up.

"I'm leaving now. See you never, Barbossa," she mumbled, wanting nothing more than to leave and maybe grab another drink.

"I was sent on a mission, Miss Knights, mark my word, I will be seeing you again," Barbossa said roughly and Alicia hissed. She placed her hand on her sword.

"It almost sounds like you're threatening me, captain," she growled but he said nothing in return. She gave him one last glare before leaving Barbossa behind. She stepped back out into the humid air and began her walk back to the pub.

She was in need of a very strong drink.


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