Chapter 21

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A Tollo Crystal was possibly the best thing to ever exist to a magical being like Alicia. It possessed the ability to overcome most magical barriers and reject all sorts of hexes and curses.

And thanks to Alicia's lucky stars, it overcame the ring of magic Pan had placed around the camp. It gave Alicia an easy pass out of camp with no problem.

And she once again disappeared between the dark, haunting trees.

There was nothing Ali hated more than standing still. Her mind had to be occupied by something. If not, she was sure she would drive herself crazy.

And even though she was walking through the forest and had a set mind of distraction, she still couldn't find a way to satisfy her uneasiness.

She growled loudly as she found one of Neverland's many beaches. Alicia was tired of seeing the beaches. She wanted a way home, or simply to be away from bloody Peter Pan. But she knew she needed to get over it. She couldn't change anything around her and she needed to accept her new life on Neverland.

She decided to make the best of being on an island.

"A magical island like this has to have cool secrets, right?" She whispered to herself as she peered close to the ocean tide pools. Before Ali rushed off into the dangers of Neverland, she needed a weapon. Her tiny knife wouldn't defend her against an angry animal, so she found herself a good stick before beginning to carve it to a point. She grunted as she felt a splinter stuck in her thumb. She huffed as she picked it out.

Once she had finished her weapon, she stood off the sand and fixed her shirt. Alicia decided to head North towards the mountain in the middle of the island. She hoped to find some cool plants or even crystals in some of their caves.

But Alicia didn't get far. In fact, she didn't even leave the beach when a sudden strike was smashed against her head from behind and she was out cold.


The first thing Alicia felt when she woke again was pain. Her head wouldn't stop pounding from the pain and she was sure she was dying. She tried to move but her body was still weak from the trauma she had encountered. She rolled to her side to try and ease the pain when she felt something soft at her fingertips. She frowned as she continued to feel around.

This definitely wasn't her bed.

Alicia's eyes opened immediately and she gasped as she managed to take in her surroundings.

It was a gloomy treehouse with the minimum necessities someone needed to live here. Alicia glanced down at her clothes to see them covered in a mixture of dirt and dry blood. She gagged but managed to hold down her lunch as she struggled to sit up. It was at that moment she realized her right hand was tied to a post. Using her free hand, Ali tugged as much as she could at the restraint she had but to no avail. She was stuck there.

"Don't. You'll only hurt yourself," a voice spoke. Alicia snapped her head towards the intruder with a startled look.

At the entrance of the treehouse stood a girl shorter than her own self. She had dirty blonde hair tied up into a tight bun and raggy green clothes. A cloak hung off her shoulders as she stared back at Alicia. Ali instantly sensed magical energy radiating off the girl but it was so small it was almost non-existent.

"Who are you?" Alicia tried to sound intimidating but her voice cracked from the lack of water. She was in desperate need of water but the blonde continued to stare at her.

"My name's Tinkerbell, everyone calls me Tink," the blonde introduced herself. Alicia suddenly scoffed when she recognized the name. Yes, she had heard of this once fairy before. She was in some of the stories Regina used to tell her back when they had barely met.

"I pictured you taller. Although, I suppose your smallness comes from being a disgraced fairy, ain't it?" Alicia hissed. Ali wasn't exactly a big fan of the fairy, especially after she had kidnapped her.

Tinkerbell frowned at her.

"Did Pan tell you about me?"

"No, but Regina Mills did. Said you led her to a destiny she couldn't attain. Pretty cruel if you ask me... But then again, no one did," Alicia rambled. Tinkerbell stayed silent once she heard Regina's name. The fairy turned sharply on her heels and stomped over to her small mud oven. She began to boil some water and Alicia watched her closely. Ali turned to the shackles that had her trapped and jiggled them. Her attempts were useless as she continued to try to break them, only to be scolded by Tink.

"Stop that," she hissed.

Tinkerbell unlocked the chains and yanked the princess to her feet. Ali yelped and almost whined at how tight the chains were. She didn't say a word as she followed Tinkerbell out of the tree.

The fairy dragged Alicia through the jungle. Ali didn't bother asking where they were going. She knew she wouldn't get an answer. She merely mapped her surroundings.

Alicia wasn't sure in what direction they had walked, but they ended up at a small lagoon. Ali peered at the water and frowned. Tinkerbell took off the shackles. Alicia rubbed the red away from her wrist and looked up to Tinkerbell. Without thinking, Alicia immediately swung her fist straight to the fairy's face.

Tinkerbell screamed in pain as she hunched over and clutched into her nose. Alicia could see a little bit of blood escaping the fairy's nose.

"That's for kidnapping me."

Tinkerbell scowled at Alicia. And just when she was about to hit back, a small chuckle was heard from behind them. They both turned towards the lagoon to see three girls watching them. Ali immediately got further from the water when she saw what they were.


Mermaids weren't exactly the nicest creatures. They liked to drown people and lure them to their deaths. They were vain creatures and Ali knew better than to go near them.

"Tinkerbell... To what do we owe the pleasure?" The orange-haired mermaid asked. Tink gestured towards Ali.

"Need you to watch over her while I deal with some things. Don't let anyone near her. Especially not Pan," Tink instructed. The mermaids all shared a glance before the blond one nodded.

"She can stay as long as she needs. Pan rarely comes here anyway. She will be safe," the blonde said. Tinkerbell nodded in appreciation before looking towards Ali.

"Don't think about leaving, there's a barrier around the lagoon. Stay with them and don't cause any trouble."

Alicia stayed silent as watched as the fairy left, going back in the direction they had first come from.   

Ali glanced at the mermaids. They were all talking among themselves, before turning to the princess.

"Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Azalea. The brunette is Mazu and the orange one is Memory," the blonde said. Alicia still didn't near them.

"My name is Alicia, but they call me Ali," she mumbled. She sat at a rock far from the edge of the lagoon, but close enough for the mermaids to see her. She fiddled with her fingers and stopped once she saw the three talking among themselves. Ali frowned when Mazu turned to her.

"Hey princess, you ever wondered what it was like to have a tail?"


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