Chapter 20

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They say patience is the key to complete anything. It is an art and skill that many don't understand and a form of controlling one's actions.

Peter Pan wasn't known for his patience.

Pan always lost control over everything. After Alicia's friends left on the Black Pearl, she was back to being as bitchy as she could be. She was stomping her feet more than usual, snapping at the lost boys, and pouting every hour.

"She'll get over it eventually. You just have to be patient," Felix would tell him.

Peter can't be patience.

He watched as she moped around the camp and got on everyone's nerves.

"I can't stand her anymore, Pan. Lock her back in the cage again or something, she was better off in there," Slightly complained.

"Ever since you let her out of Echo cave she's been nonstop annoying," Rufus said from next to Slightly.

Felix agreed but stayed cleared of the girl. He glanced over at Peter, who kept sneaking glances towards Alicia. He watched as Ali would kick dirt, pace around slowly, and let out loud groans of annoyance.

"Put that down, Alicia, you're going to hurt yourself!" Peter screeched when he saw Ali swinging a knife around.

"Put that down!"


"I mean it, Knights, put that thing down!"

Slightly and Rufus watched as Peter tackled the princess down. They silently stood by as Alicia and Peter wrestled over the knife.

"Bet you tomorrow's chores that Alicia wins," Felix said as he neared them. Slightly refused the bet but Rufus smirked as he shook Felix's hand.

"You're on."

For the next five minutes, they watched carefully as Pan and the princess rolled around in the dirt. The bet was won when Peter managed to knock the knife out of her hand and held her down in a lock. Alicia grunted furiously as she struggled under Pan's grip.

He had won.

Felix growled as Rufus laughed victoriously.

"Have fun doing my chores, loser!"


Alicia never noticed how slow the days passed by. It took forever for the sun to fall and forever for it to return. She voiced her concerns to Peter, who chuckled.

"It means your blood is slowing down time. Soon, we'll be frozen again."

It wasn't an appealing idea to her, but who was she to judge? Pan had an unhealthy obsession with staying young forever and having power.

Must be afraid of getting wrinkles, she thought to herself.

But when the skies did darken and the moon rose, it was a sight to see. The stars were as vibrant as ever and the lost boys always made a fire and danced along to the night sounds. They bounced around the fire pit with drums and weird masks on. They chanted words only they seemed to understand while Peter played a little pan flute he had made from bamboo.

Alicia had yet to hear the sweet sounds of the flute.

While she didn't really question why she couldn't hear the noises, Pan had yet to explain the flute to her.

The night was late and the moon was high. The bonfire party ended, and Alicia was ready for bed.

"It's night time boys! Hit the sack!" Peter's voice boomed through the camp. Alicia watched as the lost boys took off their masks and began to quickly clean the mess they made. Peter put out the fire by covering it in sand and turning towards Ali with a smirk.

"Come on, princess, to sleep now," Peter said as he walked into his tent. Alicia had no choice but to follow. Inside of the giant tent, she headed into a secluded corner behind a divider to change into her nightclothes.

Once done, she stepped out and glanced at Peter. He had his back to her and was looking over scraps of papers. Ali cleared her throat and crossed her arms.

"I have to ask, is it really necessary for me to stay with you?" She snapped. She heard Pan chuckle from his corner of the tent before turning to her.

"The last time I left you alone, you escaped and did weird stuff throughout the island. Now you stay with me," he responded. He then pointed Alicia towards her own cot on the other side of the tent as he laid down on his.

"Sleep. I'm tired of hearing your voice."

Alicia scoffed before blowing out the candle next to her cot. She laid down and growled.

"Go to hell, Peter Pan."

"Goodnight to you too, princess."


The night ended quicker than Alicia expected. Daylight broke through the clouds and soon another long day began. Of course, all she wanted to do was lay in bed and feel pity for herself.

But Pan provided a new opportunity for Alicia to have some fun.

"We're going hunting today, boys. We're low on food and with another mouth to feed, we need to stock," Pan announced, "grab your weapons and meet me in the middle of camp! You have five minutes.

Alicia happily rushed into her and Peter's tent and grabbed her sword. She was excited to leave the camp and do something else besides staring into fire and throwing rocks at the lost boys.

She tied up her shoes and secured her sword on her belt before going to the middle of the camp. She was the first one there but as soon as Pan spotted her, he frowned.

"What do you think you're doing?" He questioned.

"Going hunting."

"You aren't allowed to go, Alicia. You'll stay here with Tootles," he commanded. Ali's face began to slowly turn red.

"But I-"

"Go sit, Knights!"

It was the last thing Peter said before he took off with the lost boys and disappeared between the trees. Alicia could see a magical force rising over the camp again and she growled. A protection spell was placed. With a stomp of her foot, Ali let out a frustrated scream before kicking dirt.

"I wonder how hard it would be to murder him," she whispered to herself. She turned on the heel of her boot and walked into his tent. She passed Tootles, her apparent watchdog for the time, and ignored him as he continued to gather wood for a fire.

Walking to Pan's side of the tent, she began to rummage through his things. Pushing aside small trinkets, wrinkly papers, old books, and sticks, she came to what she was looking for.

A small black crystal wrapped in a small green vine was displayed in a glass container. She grabbed it and without a doubt of thought, smashed it against the floor.

Alicia picked the crystal up and smirked.

"You think you're so slick, don't ya Pan? You think I don't know what this is?!" She raged before storming out of tent.   

Making sure to avoid Tootles, Ali went to the edge of the camp to the South. With the crystal tied around her wrist, she was able to walk right through the camp's protection spell.

"Foolish of him to leave a Tollo Crystal lying around. Idiot."

With anger in her heart and a craving for destroying something, Alicia found herself walking deeper into the jungle.



I have been struggling to write lately. I can't really explain it, I just don't find any motivation anymore.

I'm sorry for falling behind on my updates, I'll try better, but don't expect too much to be published lately.

Sorry 😔

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