Chapter 22

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Peter stood in the middle of his camp as the lost boys turned the place upside down, all looking for Alicia Knights. He sighed before turning on his heel and walking out into the trees. Pan knew Ali was a restless girl who couldn't sit still for the life of her. He knew she would get out to entertain herself.

But Peter also knew a certain blonde fairy had caught wind that the princess is on the island.

And he knew Tinkerbell was a nosy fairy who thought people needed saving when in reality they didn't.

Pan headed West.


Alicia held a stick to the mermaids. She refused to go near them even after they explained they had a cute bracelet to transform her into a mermaid. Ali hissed at them. She didn't even like water.

"Whatever that blasted fairy wants of me, just a warning, I'm already someone else's property," Alicia hissed. It irked her to admit she was someone's property but it was the truth. Peter owned her blood and it was a deal that she made.

The mermaid, Mazu, chuckled but continued to stare at her.

"There's no need to fear us. Tink doesn't mean to cause you any harm. She saved you from the monster that is Peter Pan," the mermaid spit out Pan's name like venom. Ali hummed in distaste.

"As much as I hate to say it, Pan isn't going to cause me any harm. I'm the only reason why the magic hasn't died from this blasted island."

The other mermaid, Memory, neared her before swimming and looking Alicia up and down. She snickered.

"Ah. So she is the one restoring Neverland's magic. I thought the greenery was increasing," she muttered. Mazu chuckled.

"This human has too much bitterness to contain, she has to spill it out somehow. She'll explode otherwise," Azalea suddenly said, causing the mermaids to laugh obnoxiously. Alicia could feel her face beginning to turn red with heat. She was ready to fight all the mermaids for picking on her but a shrill scream cut her off.

Ali scrunched her nose. She turned to speak to the mermaids but they had quickly disappeared under the lagoon and abandoned her.

Alicia scoffed and rolled her eyes.


Alicia picked up her trusty stick and trotted off in the direction the scream came from.

Moments before

Peter sat in Tinkerbell's shabby treehouse, waiting for the fairy to return. He knew she had to come back soon. All of Tink's life possessions were stashed in the treehouse. She wouldn't leave it all behind.

So he waited. He didn't have to wait long for her heard someone climbing the ladder. Peter turned towards the door to see the fairy standing there. He smirked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Tinkerbell snapped.

"Where is she."


Peter scoffed.

"Don't play stupid, fairy. I know you know where she is. So speak."

Tinkerbell growled in distaste.

"I'm not your pet. I don't answer to you."

The boy scoffed again and sat on her small cot. He didn't understand how fairies worked but he knew before him was no fairy. It was merely a blonde girl who was so stupid she had her wings taken from her. A rejected fairy.

And Pan knew she will bow to him.

"Rejected fairy... Do you think I let you stay on this island because I like you? No, it's because occasionally you are of use..." he said as he reached for the knife that he had on him. Tinkerbell eyed the weapon and took a step back.

"... But I'm beginning to lose my patience with you, Tinkerbell."


When Alicia arrived back to Tinkerbell's treehouse, she definitely didn't expect to find her dead with her throat slit open. She gasped loudly. She stumbled on her feet when she was suddenly restrained. Alicia struggled against the person until she recognized the scent; woodsy, ash, and peppermint. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Did you really have to kill her?" She questioned harshly. Peter chuckled humorlessly.

"She was getting on my nerves."

"Everything gets on your nerves, including yourself I bet," Ali scoffed as she pushed through Pan's strength. He let her go and together they stood over Tinkerbell's dead body.



"Aren't you going to bury her? At least have some honor and bury the dead!" Alicia snapped. Peter snarled and crossed his arms before turning his back to her.

"I see no reason to have to deal with a fairy with no wings. She was merely a pawn. And unfortunately, her game has just ended."

Alicia frowned before rolling her eyes. Stepping closer to Tink, the princess began to pull her body towards the ladder. As best as she could (although she ended up dropping the fairy from the top of the treehouse) Alicia decided to find a nice spot to bury Tinkerbell.

Pan was baffled as he watched Ali struggle to drag the body through the trees.

He jumped down to the jungle floor and trotted after the princess. He watched carefully as she continued to struggle with Tink's body. He sighed before eventually kneeling down and picking up the fairy's body.

Alicia spared him a curious glance. Peter didn't say a word as he walked into the forest, Ali staying close behind as she followed him.

They soon came to a small clearing. It was surrounded by poppy's and Alicia knew it was the perfect spot for the grave.

Alicia jumped when Pan suddenly through Tink's body to the ground. With his magic, he conjured up two shovels and handed one to the princess.

In silence, they dug a hole deep enough to put Tinkerbell's body at peace. Wrapping her body in a blanket that Peter also conjured up, they finally lowered her down and covered her in dirt. Alicia sought out a nice rock that she put at the head of the grave.

She picked the prettiest flowers before placing them down and lowering her head in respect.

Alicia took the moment to quickly glance at Pan. She expected him to be scowling or even rolling his eyes in annoyance from all the unnecessary work he had to do.

But surprisingly, Peter had his head down the same as the princess.

Together in silence, they stood over the grave.

Alicia finally raised her head and let out a soft sigh.

She turned to Peter before tugging his arm.

"Take me back to the camp. It's almost supper time, and I don't want to miss out on Felix's roasted potatoes."


Even though most of the world is in quarantine, I still have no motivation to write.

All of my time is spent sleeping, eating, and watching a lot of Netflix.

I am gaining so much weight HeLp

Anyways, I'll try to write some more during this harsh time. Inspiration is really lacking these last couple of weeks.

Hope everyone is doing great! Stay safe and please stay inside and take precautions!

Happy days!

-p.s.- anyone got any anime recommendations? I just finished one and want to start a another

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